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Writinga a Research Proposal:

The research Introduction
Engaging: putting things in the right perspective

1. Your hobbies include reading about cars,

brands of cars, kinds of cars, and the different car
innovation in the world. You are tasked to write
an essay about this hobby.
a. How should you write your essay?
b. What details will you mention?
c. Do you have to mention ideas from different sources ?
Now that you have finalized your research topic , you are
ready to write the first draft of your research
your research introduction must present a
comprehensive review of research literature of the key
terms of your research title, establish the gap of your
study and state of the gap of the study, the research
objective, the research problem/s, and the significance
of the study. The significance, however, may not be
always required by institutions or publishing companies.
Concept grounding

In presenting your research introduction , consider the

format of your institution or the style prescribed. You
should have consider your philosophical stance.
For the purpose of discussion in this lesson, let us
look at one way of crafting and presenting a research
introduction . You may start by evaluating the research
gap, research objective, and research problem/s you
have identified in lesson 2. make sure that the
important concepts are captured by your title.
sample title: doodling the nerves.
Surfacing language anxiety experiences
in an English language classroom.
language anxiety
a definition
a. causes of language anxiety
b. levels of language anxiety
II. Language anxiety experiences
a. effects of language anxiety
b. Manifestations of language anxiety
III. Establishment of the gap
a. methods used in studies on
language anxiety ( since this was the gap
previously identified based on the
repertory grid)
IV. Statement of the gap
a. definition of doodling ( the tool that will
be used to address the gap of the research)
b. benefits of the tool
c. studies conducted using the tool
V. statement of the research objective
VI. Statement of the research problem
VII. Linking of the tool to the study

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