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Pupils will identify and describe at least four different types of landforms.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Four types of landforms

Materials: Laptop, Power Point, TV screen



Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity


Prayer Heavenly Father,

Checking of attendance
Raise your right hand and say present as I call your Students will raise their hand as I call their
name? name.

As we remember our previous topic yesterday is all The pupil’s will respond
about the definition of science, can I request volunteer
to give the definition of science?

I will show you a picture of landforms and I want
you to identify what kind of landforms I showed.

What can you say about the picture?
What do you notice about the picture? Pupil’s will respond
Pupil’s will react about the picture

Lecture and demonstration:

Our forth of the earth’s surface is covered by land. The
land on the earth is not the same everywhere. This
different physical feature found on the surface of the
earth called landforms. Land form can affect the
weather , climate and lifestyle of a community
Good morning class, our topic for today is all about
the different kinds landforms.
What is a Landform?

Land is any part of the earth’s surface that is not

covered by water. It is believed to cover about 30% of
the earth’s surface.

A landform is simply any natural geographic feature

that can be found on the earth’s surface, such as
valleys, hills, mountains and plateau.

Landforms are all not the same. Some may be very

high above sea level and other parts may be deep
below sea level. Some of them are made of very hard
material and other parts may be made of very soft
material. Some landforms are covered by vegetation
whiles some are void of any plant at all. Some are very
large and others are small. Most important of all,
landforms are

Four types of landforms:

Mountains are large landforms that rise high above
surrounding terrain and usually form sharp peaks.
Most mountains are formed by the movement of
Earth's tectonic plates, called tectonic activity.
Tectonic plates are massive slabs of rock that are
present under continents and oceans. When two
tectonic plates are pushed together for a long period of
time, shards of crust are pushed upward, forming
mountain ranges that span the distance of the line
between the two tectonic plates. Scientists estimate
that this process can take up to 100 million years.
Plains usually form when sediment from taller
landforms, such as mountains, erodes and washes
downhill. Over time, the sediment builds up to create a
large, flat plain. Lava from volcanoes can also form
plains by cooling and drying in layers. Many plains are
grasslands, but some deserts and savannas are also
considered plains, such as Africa's famous Serengeti.
Plains are large, flat pieces of land with no drastic
changes in elevation. Plains can be found at any
altitude, though they are usually lower than the land
surrounding them.
Plateau is an elevated piece of land that, unlike a
mountain, is flat. Plateaus can span vast distances, or
they can be eroded into small elevated sections. These
sections are called outliers, and they usually appear
when rivers and streams continuously erode larger
plateaus. Plateaus usually form when two tectonic
plates collide, causing a slow upward movement of
land. Some plateaus, such as the Colorado Plateau in
the United States, still rise by a measurable distance
every year. Plateaus can also be formed by volcanic
activity, when layers of lava cool and harden atop one
another over time.
Hills are elevated sections of land with notable
summits that are lower and less steep than mountains.
Most hills have "smoother" summits than mountains,
meaning that their summits are not as severely pointed
as mountaintops.

D. Generalization:
What are the four type of landform

IV. Application: Pupil’s will do their task and follow the

Provide 3 pieces of paper and fold your paper into 2 instruction with the help of teacher.
after that create your own booklet. Draw each
landform and identify what kind of landforms you
With the title (Landforms dictionary)

V. Evaluation:
I request everyone that all of you must present Students will present their work in front of
your work in front of your classmates, and explain their classmates.
your work.

In one bond paper draw a different types of landforms
that you could found in your way home or in you

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