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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 3
I. Learning Competency
a. describe the position of a person or an object in relation to a reference point
such as chair, door, another person; S3FE-IIIa-b-1
II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, student will able to;
a. Identify the importance of force and motion in our everyday life
b. Describe the position of an object relative to another objects.
c. Show ways on how the objects move, through an activity “Throw Me”.

III. Subject Matter

a. Topic – Force and Motion
b. Materials – Ball or paper ball, meter stick or ruler
c. Reference – Into the Future: Science and Health 2.
Estrella, Sonia V., et al.1997. pp. 124-125. * Code S3FE-IIIa-b-1
d. Processing Skills – Observing, Describing and Differentiating.

IV. Procedure
A. Engage
Checking Assignment
The teacher will ask students about what the class have discussed in
their previous meeting in Science.

• Motivation
Have a short activity.
Direction: observe the picture below and tell what you observe in front of the
B. Explore
Now, class, we have another thing for you to observe. Alex and Danica will do
the task.
All you have to do is observe what they are doing.
( Alex will push and pull the chair, and Danica will walk)
Now, what did Danica do?
How about Alex?
Now, class, do you have any idea what would be our topic for today

C. Explain
Force is a push or pull that can make an object move.
For example, you have this ball, pull is when you bring this object towards
you, while push is when you moves an object away from you. In humans we
used force for our daily activities.
For example, hugging your friend, throwing your garbage, pulling your bag,
doing house hold chores and even when you walk or run.
There are two types of force. The Contact Force, which is that happens
between object that touch (for example kicking the ball) and the other one is
Non-contact force that applies to object even without touching (for example,
the apple falls from the tree).
So these are some examples of using human force. When force is applied to an
object, motion is produced.
Motion is a change in the position or direction of an object. It is a movement
from one place to another, and also every activity we do has motion. So, we
need force to change motion. That is why force is related or had a relationship
to each other.
For example, if we put this chair into motion, force will be applied. Let’s see
how motion occurs. Teacher will kick the ball; the motion that is applied here
is movement from one place to the other.
Let’s have another example, an apple fell on the ground, this is a movement
from one place to the other. Walking and running are also example of
movement from one place to the other. So let’s have another example an
electric fan. This is an example of rotational motion.
A Reference point is the starting point you choose to describe the location, or
position of an object.
A Position is an object’s distance and direction from a reference point. A
complete description of your position includes a distance, a direction and a
reference point.

Now class, to test that you really understand the lesson.
What is force and motion again?
What is Reference point?
Very good! Let’s give him/her a good job clap. One, two, three. One, two,
three. Good Job!

D. Elaborate
Activity: Throw Me!!
Ball or paper ball
Meter stick or ruler
1. Mark you reference point and hold the ball behind the line.
2. Throw the ball
3. Using a meter stick or ruler, measure the distance from the reference
point to position where the ball stopped.

Direction: Fill out the table board below.

Location of How far did the Location of the Reference
the ball ball move? ball after throw point/ object in
before it describing the
was thrown location

E. Evaluation
This time, we will give you a short quiz. Kindly get one whole sheet of
paper, write the date today, your name and your section.
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Suppose that you are pushing a toy car. What are you applying to the toy
car for it to move?
a. Force
b. Speed
c. Motion
2. A boy is kicking the ball. What motion did he applied?
a. Non-contact force
b. Movement from one place to the other
c. Rotation motion
3. It will occurs when force will applied.
a. Force
b. Gravity
c. Motion
4. Ana comb her hair. What force did she applied?
a. Non-contact force
b. Magnetic force
c. Contact force
5. Excessive force can make the child healthier.
a. Both
b. True
c. False

V. Assignment:
Draw one example of force and motion that you use in your daily life.

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