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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 3

I. Objectives
 Identify the harmful effects of sun’s heat on living things
 Learn the precautions to be safe under the sun’s heat
II. Subject Matter
“Harmful effects of the sun’s heat on living things”
a. Materials:
Pictures, Visual Aids, Real Objects
b. References:
Grade 3 Science Teacher’s Guide pages 210-213
Grade 3 Science Learners Materials pages 176-179
c. Infusion of Values:
Health and Cleanliness

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
Let us pray.

Our father
 Attendance
Is there anybody absent today?

None teacher.
 Greetings
Good morning class!

Good morning Teacher!

 Review
Yesterday we talk about the sun and
its component. Who can describe
the sun?

It is a ball of fire.
Very good! Another?

Amazing! It gives us light.

B. Motivation

Now class before we go to our lesson we

Will hae an activity. I will group you into 4 and I will
give you an envelope with picture inside. Complete
the puzzeled picture and paste it on the board.

But before that what will you do while doing

the group activity?
 Listen to each other.
 Do not make noise.
 Cooperate with groupmates.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Who’s done? Give them 3 clap!

What is the activity that we usually do when

the sun’s is hot?

Very good! Have you been on a beach?

Yes teacher.

Is the sun there is hot and shines brightly?

Yes teacher!

C. Presentation
Our lesson for today is about “Harmful effects of
the sun on living things”.

We will also discuss the precaution to follow in

order not to be harm under the sun’s heat.

Now class, look at the picture that you posted

on the board. There are 4 sentences that describe
the pictures. Put the correct sentence to the picture
that it described. Do you understand class?

The little girl wears sunglasses.

The little boy wears a hat.

The little girl drinks water.

The little boy puts sunblock on his body.

Very good! Base on the picture that you

have posted. Why does the child wears sunglasses?

To protect our eyes from the sun.

Why does the child wears a hat?

To cover his head from sun’s heat

Very good! Heat from the sun can give us
different types of benefits but can also be harmful
because of what we called ULTRAVIOLET RAYS.

Do you know what ultraviolet rays

No teacher.
Ultraviolet rays are energy from the sun
that can burn our skin.

Look at the picture class. What can you


The man on the picture stares directly to the


Staring directly to the sun can be

harmful for us?

Why do you say so?

Because staring direcly to the sun can be
dangerous to our eyes.

Very good! What will we use if we

want to look at the sun directly?

A sunglasses to protect our eyes.

In this picture what can you observe?

The girl is under the heat of the sun.

Is it good for us to stay long under the

sun’s heat?

No teacher because too much exposure can

harm our skin.
Very good. What else?

It can also cause sunburn.

Great! What will we use if we are going
outside to protect ourselves?
We can wear hat.

Amazing! Another?

We can use an umbrella.

Very good! What else?

We can put sunblock on our body.

Great! I have another picture will you

observe what is in the picture?

The boy is under the heat of the sun and he is


Why does the boy perspires?

Because of the sun’s heat.

Very good! What can we do in order for

us to avoid too much perspiration?
Take a bath teacher!

What else?
Drink a plenty of water.

Very good! We need to drink 8 to 10

glass of water to avoid dehydration.

D. Generalization

Class what do you learn in our lesson for


The harmful effects of rhe sun’s heat on living

things and the precautions to be safe under
the sun.
Very good! What are the harmful effects of
the sun’s heat on living things?

 Can be harmful for our skin

 Looking directly at the sun can cause
 To much sun exposure can lead to

What are the precaution to be safe under the

sun’s heat?
 Put a sunblock in our body
 Wear sunglasses and hats
 Use umbrella while going outside
 Drink plenty of water
E. Application

Now class you already know the harmful effects

of the sun’s heat to us living things. We will do again
a group activity.

I will group you again in 4 groups and each

group will have an envilope and answer the
following that is being ask.

I will give you 10 minutes to finish your work.

Again what will you do while doing the group

 Listen to each other.

 Do not make noise
 Cooperate with groupmates

Group 1
Directions: List the things that you do when
the sun is hot.

Things that I do when the sun is hot

 Take a bath everyday
 Wear light clothing
 Drink a lot of water

Group 2
Directions: identify the things that we wear to
protect ourselves from the sun. Wear and display it
 Hat
 Sunglasses
 Umbrella

Group 3
Directions: Choose the pictures that shows
harmful effect of the sun’s heat.
Group 4
Directions: list the effects of looking directly to
the sun. Effects
 Can cause blindness
 Can be irritating to the eyes

F. Evaluation
Directions: Put if the statement is correct and a if the statement is wrong.

__________1. You use sunglasses if you want to stare at sun directly.

__________2. You are under the sun all day without wearing hat or using an umbrella.
__________3. You put sunblock when you play outside.
__________4. I use umbrella when i go outside.
__________5. I do not drink water.

G. Assignment

Look for the pictures that shows the people that works under the heat of the sun.

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