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Hi! I think art doesn’t need any

explanation and things like that.
Today I’m going to show you
unusual and interesting types of
art. Let’s get started!
Butter sculptures
Yes, you heard correctly, butter sculptures! Butter
sculptures are fully made with butter. It has to be
made in a cool room with a temperature between 0-
10 Celsius and an armature, because butter can’t
stand for itself. It’s popular in America, where you
can find them at state fairs. Here are some beautiful
butter sculptures:
Reverse graffiti
I think you know what graffiti means. It’s too
dangerous, because you can have problems with law.
Reverse graffiti, or green graffiti is a different thing
you create art by cleaning dirt, for example: cleaning
dirty window of a car, cleaning a wall and things like
that. Cleaning other people’s property can’t give you
problems, but drawing something by cleaning property
can definitely obtain the same danger as common
graffiti. Some reverse graffiti artists have professional
cleaning machines, which can ,,shine’’ artworks from
dirty items. Here are some examples of reverse graffiti:
Anamorphosis is the method of drawing
portraits which can only be entirely understood
from a certain angle. In other cases, the image
will only be correctly visible if viewed through
a mirror. It’s really mind-blowing how artists are
making it.
Interesting fact
If you want to make art like anamorphosis, you
don’t need to draw curved drawings and things
like that. There are softwares, which can edit
photos in specified form, so that they will make
correct drawing in the mirror.

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