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Could we talk that we have a serious problem when we can see our neighbourhood
with plenty grafitti?
We could think it’s a bad situation because our neighbourhood looks like it seems to be
ruined. People, when they are seeing graffiti feel scared and think that it’s not a pleasant
situation for them.

How serious problem is graffiti in your area?

My area is a place when you can see a building which have been painted and looks like
damaged, but also you can find comfortable graffiti in the street of the school where the
children feel enthusiasm with the drawings.

We have horrible buildings which are abandoned by de govern and the people use to
express their anger with paintings. It’s a sad situation because sometimes these buildings
could have been used for people who are in a difficult situation.

What can be done to stop people covering walls with graffiti?

The govern has to explain people that it’s the worst way to express your need, because
you’re getting worse appareance for your area. The building are getting worse and people
don’t want buying to live there.

In another hand, if you have people with the talent to paint grafitti in your area, they can earn
money painting graffiti in the schools for the children who enjoy with this pleasant drawings
and you can find a way to get that the people can help with their talent.

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