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Grafitti refers to drawings and paintings made on walls or other surfaces within public view

usually made without premission. Paintings are often created using spray paint, markers, or
other materials. They have been used as a form of artistic expression and political activism
but they can also be considerd as illegal vandalism.

Grafitti has beed around for a very long time. Thez reach into ancient civilizations when
people used to draw and write on walls. But in recent history grafitti bacame popular in 60s
and 70s especiallly in NY. As time went on artist started using spray paint to create colorful
art on walls and trains.

Grafitti is art: Graffiti is art because it showcases creativity and skill. Artists use vibrant colors
and unique designs to express themselves and share messages, turning ordinary walls into
captivating masterpieces. Graffiti has the power to transform boring places, making them
exciting and vibrant, which helps bring communities together. Moreover, graffiti often
addresses important topics, sparking conversations and encouraging people to think critically
about social issues. Many graffiti artists have gained fame, and their work is displayed in art
galleries, museums, and exhibitions worldwide. This recognition in the mainstream art world
further validates graffiti as a respected and influential form of artistic expression.

Grafitti is vandalism: Graffiti is seen as vandalism because it's done without permission.
When people draw on walls or property without the owner's approval, it damages the place
and costs money to clean up. Laws are there to protect property and keep communities
looking nice. Even though graffiti can be art, it becomes vandalism when it's done illegally,
causing harm to property and creating additional expenses for owners and communities.

Good Things about Graffiti:

 Graffiti allows artists to show their ideas and feelings in public spaces
 Graffiti projects can bring people together, making communities feel proud
 Graffiti can talk about important issues, making people think and talk about them.

Bad Things about Graffiti:

 Graffiti can damage buildings and places, costing money to fix.
 Doing graffiti without permission is illegal and can lead to punishment like fines or
community service.
 Graffiti can make neighborhoods look bad, affecting how people see them and
property values.
I believe that graffiti qualifies as a legit form of art. it's more than just paint on walls – it's a
vibrant expression of creativity and emotion. Graffiti artists have remarkable skills, using
public spaces to show their designs and powerful messages. I appreciate how graffiti can
transform boring walls into artworks that evokes deep thoughts and emotions.
While I understand the concerns about illegal graffiti, I firmly believe that when done
responsibly and with respect for public spaces, graffiti has the potential tobe seem as art. It
has the power to beautify our communitie and challenge societal norms. In my opinion art
knows no boundaries, and graffiti, deserves recognition and appreciation as a valuable form of

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