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 Independence day is celebrated annually on 15th August as a

national holiday in India commemorating the nation’s
independence from the Unites Kingdom on 15 August 1947,
when the provisions of the 1947 Indian Independence Act,
which transferred legislative sovereignty to the Indian
Constitution Assembly came into effect.

 On the eve of independence

day, the President of India
delivers the “Address to the
Nation”. On 15th of August
the Prime Minister hoists the
Indian flag on the on the
ramparts of the historical
sites of Red Fort in Delhi.
Twenty one gun shots are
fired in honor of solemn
 Flag hoisting ceremonies and cultural programs take place in
governmental and non-governmental institutions inside the
country. Schools and colleges conduct flag hoisting ceremonies
and cultural events. Major government buildings are often
adorned with strings of lights. In Delhi and some other cities,
kite flying adds to the occasion. National flags of different sizes
are used abundantly to symbolize allegiance to the country.
Citizens adorn their clothing, wristbands, cars household
accessories with replicas of the tri-color.

 All the citizens of the country

needs to celebrate the
Independence Day to show
our solidarity towards the
nation. It will display the
respect we have to the
freedom fighters who gave
their lives for impendence.
Independence Day celebration
is important to keep spirit of
patriotism alive.

 As early as three years after independence, the Naga National

Council called for boycott of independence day of
Independence Day in northeast India. Separatist protests in this
region intensified in the 1980s; calls for boycotts and terrorist
attacks by insurgent organizations such as United Liberation
Font in Assam National Democratic Front of Bodoland, marred
celebrations. With increasing insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir
from the late 1980s, separatist protestors boycotted
Independence Day there with bandh, use of black flags and by
flag burning. Boycotting of the celebration has also been
advocated by insurgent Maoist rebel organizations.

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