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Lynn Hsu
Thesis statement
■ This final paper aims to explore the process of
awakening of women’s consciousness which after any
kinds of contempt and neglect from men, and other
unequal and unfair tradition in the play Lysistrata, like
caring babies is women’s duty. This paper will also focus
on how Lysistrata and her associates use their
intelligence and power to fight against men and win the
■ Which elements in the play Lysistrata complete the
process of female consciousness?
Sequence of the paper
(Supporting details)
1st step of process – women are undervalued
■ In the beginning of the play, we know that it is not an easy
thing for women to go out since they have to serve the
husband, bath the baby and make the baby sleep first (15).
■ When Lysistrata organizes a group of female army, men
sneer at them which they think women overreach
Sequence of the paper
(Supporting details)
2nd step of process – the rise of female awareness
■ Women collaborate together to fight back and to remain the peace
between Athens and Sparta. Female use their advantage of body charming
to avoiding their husband continue to go back to the battle field. Needless
to say, because of the awakening of female consciousness, women decide
not to just stay at home, they have the power to save the country.
■ Women start to realize protecting the country is not only men’s duty, but
also the responsibility to women who can use other way to bring the
peace to the city, rather than battle like men do which would only make
both sides hurt.
Sequence of the paper
(Supporting details)
3rd step of process – the achievement of female consciousness
■ In the end of the play, we know that Lysistrata and her
associates successfully stop the war and achieve men’s
obedience. Those can be good consequences of the arising of
women’s consciousness because if Lysistrata they are
unwilling to break the tradition which confine themselves to
the family or the home, the war will not be avoided.
War has nothing to
do with women
1. women are

Women’s power to against

• sexual strike 2. the rise of
• occupying the Acropolis female

3. the
Stop the war and
achievement of
women receive some
Thanks for your

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