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University Of Duhok

College of Agricultural Engiheering

Department of Soil and Wetar

Prepared by: Superviser:

Sagwan Salah
Kurdistan I. Dawood

 Introduction

 What is runoff ?

 Types of Runoff

 Factors Affecting Runoff

 Methods of runoff measuring

 References
Runoff is that portion of the rainfall or irrigation water [or any other flow]. Applied which leaves a
field either as surface or as subsurface flow. When rainfall intensity reaching the soil surface is less
than the infiltration capacity, all the water is absorbed in to the soil.
What is Sunoff ?
Runoff is the flow of rainwater that circulates on the surface of the earth as it passes
through a natural or surface reservoir . Runoff can also be known as runoff or
overflow runoff is a type of water that results from rainfall that, after exceeding its
evaporation and infiltration capacity, spreads and spreads on the surface of the earth.
Types of Runoff:

1. Surface runoff
2. Groundwater runoff
Factors Affecting Runoff:
1. Meteorological factors affecting runoff:
- Type of precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, etc.)
- Rainfall intensity, amount, duration and distribution over basin
- evapotranspiration factors like temperature, relative humidity, etc
2. Physical geology and topography of land surface
- Soil type and characteristics
- Vegetation
- Slope of the drainage area
- Ponds, lakes, reservoirs, etc. in a basin, which prevent or delay runoff
from continuing downstream
3. Land use activities
- development and urbanization
- agricultural practices
Methods of runoff measuring

Q = C x I x A/96.23, where,
 Q is the storm-water run-off in gallons per minute (GPM)
 C is the runoff coefficient,
 I is the rainfall intensity in inches per hour
 A is the drainage area in sq. ft.
 23 is a conversion factor when you want the flow rate in
GPM and your drainage area is in sq. ft.
C is the runoff coefficient this is essentially the percentage of
water that runs off of a given surface. For example; if rain is
falling at 2 inches per hour and only 1 inch per hour is
running off the surface the C value for that surface is 1
divided by 2 or 0.5.
References quiz.html

‫ سطور‬- ‫( تعريف الجريان السطحي‬

Estimating discharge and stream flows a guide for sand and graveloperators (July 2005 Ecology

Publication Number 05-10-070). Murty, V.V.N. and Jha,M.K.2013.Landand Water

Thank for all

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