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BY: QHUSNUL AMALIA(200512501047)

The fact:
This story including in anonymous text which is ,we don’t know who is the author and also where this story come
from,we have search in other references but there no information about the author,there some saying that this
originally from Indonesia,but the prrof is not to strong and some article say that is not from Indonesia cause it just
translation by some ppl who loved literary work including short story.
Summary of story

Princess Kemuning
Once upon a time there was a king who had ten daughters who were named Princess Jambon, Princess Orange,
Princess Nila, Princess Green, Princess Purple, Princess Gray, Princess Blue, Princess Red and Princess yellow.The king's
wife died after giving birth. The youngest daughter which is Princess Yellow. The 9 princesses are very spoiled and
naughty, in contrast to the youngest Princess yellow who is friendly and kind.
One day the king was go far away. The 9 daughters asked for luxurious gifts, but Princess yellow only reminded her
father to return safely.
When the king came home, he gave Princess yellow a green stone necklace. princess green felt jealous, she and her
sister beat Princess yellow until death. Unbeknownst to the palace people, the 9 princesses buried Princess yellow.
Knowing his youngest daughter was missing, the king looked for her, but his search yielded no results.
One day a plant grew on Princess yellow’s grave. Because the plant looked like Princess yellow the king named it
princess kemuning.
Critical Critical analysis :
How the develoved
Personal Reflection
Reading - Author purpose characters?
- Background

Plot Unexpected
Theme/central idea Ending
More Analysis

1 unexpected ending/twist
5 Moral Value

Language style
6 Cultural Values

3 View point
7 Religious Value

4 Social value

This story is so educational, there are many lessons that we can take
related to everyday life so it is certainly highly recommended to read,
especially for children, it is very suitable for character development, of
course, by becoming a better person, this story contains high values, such
as moral values, social values, religious values and also cultural values.
Thank you
Have a great day

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