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What is Freelancing?

A freelancer is self-employed person offering services, usually

to multiple clients at a time. Operating as his own boss, a
freelancer sets his own service menu, price, and target market of

A Business Owner May Hire:

⮚ Web Developer
⮚ Web Designer
⮚ Content Writer
⮚ Digital Marketer
⮚ Android/IOS Developer
⮚ Even A Lawyer
Freelance Statistics
⮚ It is said that U.S and European Countries Freelancers are going to be clients
for developing countries. So here are some Statistics about them.

⮚ According to  Freelancers Union “53 million” report :

⮚ There are 53 million people doing freelance work in the US – 34% of

the national workforce

⮚ 80% of non-freelancers say they would be willing to do work outside their

primary job to make more money in US

⮚ 77% of freelancers say the best days are yet ahead for freelancing in US

⮚ There are 1.4 million British freelancers working across all sectors

⮚ Freelance numbers have increased by  45% from just under 6.2 million to 8.9
million in 2013, making them the fastest growing group in the EU labour
⮚ As of 2019, 35% of U.S. workers are now freelancing the
report found. The total number of freelancers in the U.S.
has increased to 57 million, up by 4 million since 2014.
Fast to get started

It is very simple to get started with

freelancing. All you need is to have skill and
simply sign up on freelancing website. Once
you have a client you are good to go.

Usually Starting Business Takes a lot of

investment but in Freelancing you only need a
laptop and Internet.
Flexible Hours

You can work whenever you want. You get to choose

your own hours. If you want to sleep in until noon, you
can do that. If you want to take the weekend off so you
can explore the city, by all means, go for it.
Control over Jobs and Clients

when you’re a freelancer, you can choose with whom

you work. If you don’t mesh well with a client’s
personality or business or payment philosophies, you can
pass on the opportunity and wish them the best.
Work Wherever You

 Whether you prefer consistency or shaking

things up when it comes to your work
environment, you can choose to work
wherever you want, whether you 
choose to work in a local coffee shop or while
you’re on vacation in Europe.  You are no
longer stuck in an office or even in your
home. Find a place in which you work best.
You could work in a park, at the library, or in
your living room while you’re wearing your
You Keep All the Profits

No longer do you have to work for a flat rate, no matter

how large the projects are that you complete. Now, you
get to allocate or keep all the profits from your large and
small projects and clients. This gives you the freedom to
then use that money to improve yourself and expand
your business.
You no longer have to answer to anyone but your
clients and yourself. No one is hanging over you or
micromanaging you. You are free to do as you
please, when you please. Making all the tough
decisions just became your responsibility; you have
all the control.
The need for freelancers is large

While the marketplace of freelancers is competitive, the need

for quality, reliable freelancers is growing. Many businesses
don't have employees and instead have a team of freelancers. 
Do the work the way you see fit

While you need to deliver

what the client asks, how
the work is done is up to

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