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Poor SINR Due to the cell

Blocked by the New

Author/ Email: Zhao Jichen /

Version: V1.0(20150507)
Poor SINR Due to the cell Blocked by the New Billboard
In DTA of cluster A find an abnormal area near the site B , there have many samples RSRP>=80dBm but
SINR<=5dB between sector 2 and sector 3 . For this situation, the possible reason maybe :
a) The azimuth is error or sector 2 and sector 3 are twin beam ,
b) The M-tilt is so big that lead the abnormal coverage,
c) These have other cell overshoot coverage,
d) There have some other thing block the antenna.

1. Check the RSSV ,the azimuth of site A is correct , the sector 2 and sector is not the twin beam and the M-tilt is normal.
2. Query the measurement report, there have no other cell in the report .
3. Query the RSRP of sector 2 and sector 3, RSRP of sector 2(PCI=370) and sector 3 (PCI=371)is almost the same .

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 2

Poor SINR Due to the cell Blocked by the New Billboard

4. Serving cell is abnormal(not steady) in the area that between sector 2 and sector 3 near the site A.

5. So we doubt there have something block the signal of the antenna and go to the scene to find the reason.

6. Then we find that the reason is sector 3 of A is blocked by the new build billboard , so we need to move antenna to
install at billboard instead or install antenna on the pole instead to solve this poor SINR.

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential 3

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