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Group Name
1. Komang Shintya Purnama Dewi : 2116011010
2. Ni Wayan Pujasari : 2116011014
3. Ni Wayan Rina Darma Yanti : 2116011070
4. Deva Okta Riana : 2116011061
5. Fredi dwi saputra : 2116011076
1. Understanding Learning
The definition of learning according to the figures, namely:
1. According to Skinner's view
2. According to Gadne
3. According to Pieget

From the understanding of learning from the figures above, it can be

interpreted that learning is a process of changing a person's behavior or
personality based on his experience interacting with his environment which is
shown in various forms such as changes in knowledge, understanding,
attitudes and behavior, skills, skills, habits and changes in aspects -other
aspects that exist in the individual who learns.
2. Definition of Effective
Effective language means being able to bring results,
while the term effective is defined as an achievement of the right
goal or choosing the right goal from a series of alternatives or
choices of ways and making choices from several other options.
Effectiveness can also be interpreted as a measurement of success in
achieving predetermined goals.
An effective way of learning is a way of learning quantitatively and with
quality, continuously so that it causes changes in academics and better
behavior (discipline and habits). In order for effective learning to be
realized, students must be motivated to study hard. Motivation is very
important in relation to seeking optimal student achievement. Motivation
needs to be built by schools through elements of teachers, administrative
employees, students and principals.
In addition to students being motivated to study hard, there are also factors
that influence students to learn effectively, namely:
1. Internal factors, including 3 factors, namely:
 Physical factors (physical)
 Psychological factors (soul)
 Fatigue factor
1. External Factors, including 3 factors, namely:
 Family factor
 School factors
 Community factors

 How to study effectively at home:

 Set study time

 Repeating lessons or memorizing
 Make a summary
 Read well
 Doing exercises and homework and assignments given by
the teacher at school to be completed at home.
• How to learn effectively at school:
 Get in the habit of going to school on time
 Be a sympathetic student
 Proactive in learning
 If there is an empty lesson, take advantage of the library.
 Complete the notebook
 Get used to praying before activity
 Keep your body in a healthy and fresh condition
 Get used to reading before the teacher teaches
 Get in the habit of repeating the lessons given by the teacher at
school when you get home
 Always pray for ease in studying and doing tests or exams at
Learning difficulties are indicated by failures to achieve academic
achievement in accordance with the desired capacity. This
difficulty can be known when students fail to display one or more
academic abilities.
Several factors cause learning difficulties, namely:
1. Internal factors (from oneself): These factors arise from
students themselves who often underestimate and do not try to
improve, which are included in this cause, namely:
• Students do not have clear learning goals
• Students are less interested in the lesson
• Students' health is disturbed
• Unfavorable study habits for students

2. External Factors:
• Family factors (economic, lack of family control, no family
• Social environmental factors
• How to Overcome Student Learning Difficulties:
 Increase learning motivation
 Have learning goals and targets to be achieved
 Recognize talents and interests
 Create a fun learning atmosphere
 Record the learning success that has been achieved as a tool for further
 Set study time at school and at home
 Make summaries, schemes, and notes for lessons that are considered
 Hang out with people who support successful learning.
Ways to be able to study well or study effectively, namely:
1. Intention and pray
2. Reading
3. Always make a summary of learning
4. Diligently repeat lessons
5. Study seriously and diligently
6. Avoid over-studying
7. Be active in asking questions
8. Group study

If students can do all that from the description above regarding

how to study well, it is hoped that students can achieve good academic
achievements and can make their parents proud and can be useful for
everyone with the knowledge they have.
Based on the things that have been discussed above, there are several points of conclusions that
can be drawn as stated below:
1. Learning is a process of changing a person's behavior or personality based on his experience
interacting with his environment which is shown in various forms such as changes in
knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and behavior, skills, skills, habits and changes in other
aspects that exist in individuals who learn .
2. An effective way of learning is a way of learning quantitatively and with quality,
continuously so that it causes changes in academics and behavior for the better.
3. Ways to be able to study well: intention and pray, always make study summaries, read,
diligently repeat lessons, avoid over-studying, be active in asking questions, and study in
4. How to overcome learning difficulties: increase learning motivation, have learning goals and
targets to be achieved, manage study time at school and at home, and so on.


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