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Failure is the first step to success.

1. A r s y a d
2. H a r i t h I r f a n
3. M u k h r i z z
4. H a l i m

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• Hook : Failure is the first step to success

• Background : this failure is a common thing that humans do. we have

to accept failure because it brings a lot of good to us in the future

• Stand : In my opinion, I agree that failure is thte first step to success.

• Thesis statements : Failure has many benefits as you learn what not
to do next time, for motivation and you can use failure to teach others

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• You learn what not to do the next time

• What is another reason failure is the first step to success? Failure
gives you experiences that you can apply the next time you try. This
means that you can avoid the same pitfalls that hindered you from
initially reaching your goal.
• A simple example of this is getting lost while driving. One wrong turn
can take you far away from your intended destination—causing you
time and frustration. However, the next time you venture to that
destination, you’ll know what paths to avoid.

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• You can use failure for motivation

• For many people, failure can be a form of motivation. It sparks a
desire to get back up and try again. Perhaps it may be to prove to
yourself (or others) that you can do it.
• We see this often with sports teams who fall short of the ultimate
championship victory. Postgame interviews reveal that players are
motivated to come back the next year to try again. As a result, they
practice more, they learn new techniques, and they prepare
themselves to try again.

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• You can use your failure to can teach others

• The great thing about life’s lessons is that they aren’t simply for you.
Collectively, as the human race, we learn from the successes and
failures of those around us. This allows us to grow as a society and, in
some ways, shortcuts the learning process.
• Science is a great example of everyone benefiting from the failures of
others. Every day, researchers conduct experiments that provide
more information that can advance science and technology.

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• As you can see, failure really isn’t the end. Instead, failure is the first
step to success — whatever that looks like for you. It’s an opportunity
to grow, improve, and help others along the way. But in order for it to
be a path to success, you must reshape your view of failure and
its role in your life.

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