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Jawahir Al-Riyadh International School

Grade-3 Science

Unit-6 Keeping Healthy

Ls- 1 and 2

Prepared by: Anjum Noor

Unit -6 keeping healthy
Lesson- 1 and 2
1Q) Define life process.
Ans) A function that a living thing performs to stay alive. These
are: eating, drinking, moving, growing and reproducing.

2Q) What is a balanced diet?

Ans) A diet that contains all the necessary nutrients required
for healthy growth and activity.
3Q) What are the four main food groups?
Ans) The four main food groups are Carbohydrates, Fats,
Proteins and Vitamins and minerals.
(1) Carbohydrates: Most important source of energy.
Examples: Rice, pasta etc.
(2) Proteins: Build body muscles.
Examples: Meat, fish, egg.
(3) Fats: keep us warm and reserve energy.
Examples: Butter, olive oil.
(4) Vitamins and minerals: keep us healthy.
Examples: Fruits and vegetables.
4Q) Name two vitamin deficiency illness.
Ans) Rickets: Vitamin D deficiency disease.
Scurvy: Vitamin C deficiency disease.

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