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Adipose Tissue

Intended learning outcomes

At the end of the lecture students should be
able to:
o Describe the adipose tissue
o Describe the types of adipose tissue
o Describe the structure white adipose tissue
o Describe the structure brown adipose tissue
Adipose Tissue
o Adipose tissue is a specialized connective
tissue that plays an important role in energy
o Individual fat cells, or adipocytes are found
throughout loose connective tissue.
o Adipose tissue efficiently stores excess
Adipose Tissue
o There are two types of adipose tissue:
o White (unilocular)
o Brown (multilocular)
o White adipose tissue is the predominant type
in adult humans.
o Brown adipose tissue is present during fetal
life but diminishes during the first decade
after birth.
Functions of white adipose
o Energy storage
o Insulation, subcutaneous layer of
connective tissue provides thermal insulation
against cold by reducing the rate of heat loss
o Cushioning of vital organs
o Secretion of hormones (growth factors,
Leptin and cytokines)
o The mammary fat pad is site for
accumulation of adipose tissue
o Nonlactating female breast is composed
primarily of adipose tissue.
o In the lactating female, mammary fat plays an
important role in supporting breast function.
o It provides lipids and energy for milk
Structure of Adipocytes and
Adipose Tissue
o White adipocytes are spherical, but they
may appear polyhedral or oval
o Their large size is due to the accumulated
lipid in the cell.
o The nucleus is flattened and displaced to one
side of the lipid mass
o Cytoplasm forms a thin rim around the lipid
o Adipose tissue is richly supplied with blood
Brown Adipose Tissue
o Adipocytes of brown, multilocular adipose
tissue contain numerous fat droplets
o Cells of brown adipose tissue are smaller
than those of white
o Nucleus of multilocular adipocyte is
typically in an eccentric position within the
o Contains numerous mitochondria, a small
Golgi apparatus, and small amounts of rER
and sER.
Brown Adipose Tissue
o Brown adipose tissue is present in large
amounts in the newborn
o Helps offset the extensive heat loss and
avoid lethal hypothermia (a major risk of
death for premature babies).
Brown Adipose Tissue
o It disappears from most sites except for
regions around the kidney, adrenal glands,
large vessels and regions of the neck, regions
of the back
o Has a rich supply of capillaries that enhance
its color.
o Body mass index (BMI), expressed as
weight/height2, is closely correlated with the
total amount of body fat
o and is commonly used to classify
overweight and obesity among adults.
o A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2 is
considered normal.
o BMI between 25 and 29.9 is overweight
o BMI between 30 and 39.9 is obesity
o Obesity is associated with an increased risk
of mortality as well as with many diseases
such as hypertension, cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes, and cancer.

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