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Chapter – three

Syntax analysis

 Introduction
 Context free grammar (CFG)
 Derivation
 Parse tree
 Ambiguity
 Predictive parser
 Operator precedence parsing
 LR parsers

 Syntax: the way in which tokens are put together to
form expressions, statements, or blocks of statements.
 The rules governing the formation of statements in a
programming language.
 Syntax analysis: the task concerned with fitting a
sequence of tokens into a specified syntax.
 Parsing: To break a sentence down into its component
parts with an explanation of the form, function, and
syntactical relationship of each part.
 The syntax of a programming language is usually given
by the grammar rules of a context free grammar (CFG).


Parse tree
next char next token
lexical Syntax
analyzer analyzer
get next
char get next


Lexical Syntax
(Contains a record Error
for each identifier)

 The syntax analyzer (parser) checks whether a given
source program satisfies the rules implied by a CFG
or not.
 If it satisfies, the parser creates the parse tree of that
 Otherwise, the parser gives the error messages.
 A CFG:
 gives a precise syntactic specification of a
programming language.

 The parser can be categorized into two groups:
 Top-down parser
 The parse tree is created top to bottom, starting from
the root to leaves.
 Bottom-up parser
 The parse tree is created bottom to top, starting from
the leaves to root.
 Both top-down and bottom-up parser scan the input
from left to right (one symbol at a time).
 Efficient top-down and bottom-up parsers can be
implemented by making use of context-free-

Context free grammar (CFG)
 A context-free grammar is a specification for the
syntactic structure of a programming language.
 Context-free grammar has 4-tuples:
G = (T, N, P, S) where
 T is a finite set of terminals (a set of tokens)
 N is a finite set of non-terminals (syntactic variables)
 P is a finite set of productions of the form

A→α where A is non-terminal and

α is a strings of terminals and non-terminals (including the
empty string)
 S ∈ N is a designated start symbol (one of the non-
terminal symbols)

Example: grammar for simple arithmetic

expression  expression + term Terminal symbols

expression  expression - term id + - * / ( )
expression  term
term  term * factor Non-terminals
term  term / factor expression
term  factor term
factor  (expression ) Factor
factor  id Start symbol

Notational Conventions Used
 Terminals:
 Lowercase letters early in the alphabet, such as a, b, c.
 Operator symbols such as +, *, and so on.
 Punctuation symbols such as parentheses, comma, and so
 The digits 0,1,. . . ,9.
 Boldface strings such as id or if, each of which represents
a single terminal symbol.
 Non-terminals:
 Uppercase letters early in the alphabet, such as A, B, C.
 The letter S is usually the start symbol.
 Lowercase, italic names such as expr or stmt.
 Uppercase letters may be used to represent non-terminals
for the constructs.
• expr, term, and factor are represented by E, T, F
Notational Conventions Used…
 Grammar symbols
 Uppercase letters late in the alphabet, such as X, Y, Z, that is, either non-
terminals or terminals.
 Strings of terminals.
 Lowercase letters late in the alphabet, mainly u,v,x,y ∈ T*
 Strings of grammar symbols.
 Lowercase Greek letters, α, β, γ ∈ (N∪T)*
 A set of productions A  α1, A  α2, . . . , A  αk with a common head A (call them
A-productions), may be written
A  α1 | α2 |…| αk
α1, α2,. . . , αk the alternatives for A.
 The head of the first production is the start symbol.

F  ( E ) | id
 A derivation is a sequence of replacements of structure names
by choices on the right hand sides of grammar rules.

 Example: E → E + E | E – E | E * E | E / E | -E
E → id

E => E + E means that E + E is derived from E

- we can replace E by E + E
- we have to have a production rule E → E+E in our grammar.

E=>E+E =>id+E=>id+id means that a sequence of replacements of

non-terminal symbols is called a derivation of id+id from E.

 In general The one-step derivation is defined by
α A β ⇒ α γ β if there is a production rule A → γ in our
Where α and β are arbitrary strings of terminal and non-
terminal symbols.
α1=> α2=>….=> αn (αn is derived from α1 or α1 derives αn)

 At each derivation step, we can choose any of the non-terminal

in the sentential form of G for the replacement.

 Transitive closure ⇒* (zero or more steps)

 Positive closure ⇒+ (one or more steps)


 If we always choose the left-most non-terminal in each

derivation step, this derivation is called left-most derivation.
Example: E=>-E=>-(E)=>-(E+E)=>-(id+E)=>-(id+id)
 If we always choose the right-most non-terminal in each
derivation step, this derivation is called right-most
Example: E=>-E=>-(E)=>-(E+E)=>-(E+id)=>-(id+id)

 We will see that the top-down parser try to find the left-most
derivation of the given source program.
 We will see that the bottom-up parser try to find right-most
derivation of the given source program in the reverse order.

Parse tree
 A parse tree is a graphical representation of a
 It filters out the order in which productions are applied
to replace non-terminals.

 A parse tree corresponding to a derivation is a labeled

tree in which:
• the interior nodes are labeled by non-terminals,
• the leaf nodes are labeled by terminals, and
• the children of each internal node represent the
replacement of the associated non-terminal in
one step of the derivation.
Parse tree and Derivation
Grammar E  E + E | E  E | ( E ) | - E | id
Lets examine this derivation:
E  -E  -(E)  -(E + E)  -(id + id)


- E - E - E - E

( E ) ( E ) ( E )

E + E E + E
This is a top-down derivation
because we start building the id id
parse tree at the top parse tree
a) Using the grammar below, draw a parse tree for the
following string:
( ( id . id ) id ( id ) ( ( ) ) )
E → id
b) Give a rightmost derivation for the string given in (a).

 A grammar produces more than one parse tree for a
sentence is called as an ambiguous grammar.
• produces more than one leftmost derivation or
• more than one rightmost derivation for the same

 We should eliminate the ambiguity in the grammar

during the design phase of the compiler.
 An unambiguous grammar should be written to eliminate
the ambiguity.
 Ambiguous grammars (b/c of ambiguous operators) can
be disambiguated according to the precedence and
associatively rules.

Ambiguity: Example
 Example: The arithmetic expression grammar
E → E + E | E * E | ( E ) | id
 permits two distinct leftmost derivations for the
sentence id + id * id:
(a) (b)
E => E + E E => E * E
=> id + E => E + E * E
=> id + E * E => id + E * E
=> id + id * E => id + id * E
=> id + id * id => id + id * id

Ambiguity: example
E  E + E | E  E | ( E ) | - E | id
Construct parse tree for the expression: id + id  id

E + E E + E E + E

E  E id E  E

id id

E  E E  E E  E

E + E E + E id
Which parse tree is correct?
id id
Ambiguity: example…
E  E + E | E  E | ( E ) | - E | id

Find a derivation for the expression: id + id  id

According to the grammar, both are correct.
E + E

id E  E
A grammar that produces more than one
id id
parse tree for any input sentence is said
to be an ambiguous grammar. E

E + E

E  E id

id id
Elimination of ambiguity
 These two derivations point out a problem with the grammar:
 The grammar do not have notion of precedence, or implied order of

To add precedence
 Create a non-terminal for each level of precedence
 Isolate the corresponding part of the grammar
 Force the parser to recognize high precedence sub expressions first

For algebraic expressions

 Multiplication and division, first (level one)
 Subtraction and addition, next (level two)

To add association
 Left-associative : The next-level (higher) non-terminal places at the
last of a production
Elimination of ambiguity
 To disambiguate the grammar :

E  E + E | E  E | ( E ) | id

 we can use precedence of operators as follows:

* Higher precedence (left associative)
+ Lower precedence (left associative)

 We get the following unambiguous grammar:

EE+T|T id + id * id
F  ( E ) | id
Elimination of Left recursion
 A grammar is left recursive, if it has a non-terminal A
such that there is a derivation
A=>+Aα for some string α.
 Top-down parsing methods cannot handle left-
recursive grammar.
 so a transformation that eliminates left-recursion is
 To eliminate left recursion for single production
A  Aα |β could be replaced by the nonleft- recursive
A  β A’
A’  α A’| ε
Elimination of Left recursion…

This left-recursive EE+T|T

grammar: TTF|F
F  ( E ) | id

Can be re-written to eliminate the immediate left recursion:

E  TE’
E’  +TE’ | 
T  FT’
T’  FT’ | 
F  ( E ) | id

Elimination of Left recursion…
 Generally, we can eliminate immediate left
recursion from them by the following technique.
 First we group the A-productions as:

A  Aα1 |Aα2 |…. |Aαm |β1 | β2|….| βn

Where no βi begins with A. then we replace the A

productions by:
A  β1A’ | β2A’ | … | βnA’
A’  α1Α’ | α2A’ | … | αmA’ |ε

Eliminating left-recursion (more)
 Example: Given: S  Aa | b
A  Ac |Sd |ε
 Substitute the S productions in A  Sd to obtain the
following productions:
A  Ac | Aad | bd |ε
 Eliminating the immediate left recursion among the A
productions yields the following grammar:

S  Aa | b
A  bdA’ | A’
A’  cA’ | adA’ |ε

Top down parsing
 Constructing a parse tree for the input string.

 Starting from the root and creating the nodes

of the parse tree in preorder.

 Equivalently, it can be viewed as finding a

leftmost derivation for an input string.

Top down parser
 Example :for the input id+id*id
 The top down parse trees according to the
following grammar :

 This sequence of trees corresponds to a

leftmost derivation of the input
Top down parser
 the key problem is that of determining the
production to be applied for a nonterminal,
say A.


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