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A : Assalamu’alaikum wrwb. Good morning Ms. Citra My name is siddiq adrianto you can call me siddiq, My name is rama
gumilang jati darmaji you can call me rama
A : : Today we are going to talk about the BAD EFFECTS SMOKING
B : The dangers of smoking for the health of the body need not be doubted. Various dangerous diseases can be caused by this bad
habit. Not only smoking, cigarettes are also dangerous for anyone who smokes immediately or passively.
A: Types of Hazardous Content in Cigarettes
The dangers of smoking are caused by the various ingredients contained in a cigarette. It is estimated that there are more than
7,000 chemicals in it and about 70 of them can cause cancer.
The following are harmful chemicals in cigarettes:
B: Nicotine, Carbon monoxide, Tar, Benzene,
A: Dangers of Smoking for Health
The chemical substances contained in cigarettes are very dangerous for your health and those around you. There are several
dangers of smoking to health, including:
B: Cardiovascular disorders, Brain damage, Diseases of the mouth and throat, Lung disease, Stomach disease, etc
A: Therefore, avoid smoking, because it is not good for health, and stay away from people who smoke because passive smoking is
more dangerous than active smokers
B: So, those are the bad effects of smoking
A: That's all our presentation.
B : sorry if there is a shortage
A : wassalamualaikum wh wb

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