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Social and Cultural environment refers to the influence

exercised by certain social factor which are “beyond the
companies gate.”

Culture refers to dance, drama, music, and festival

including knowledge, belief, art, moral, law, customs &
other capability
Acc. To Taylor, “ Culture of civilization is that complex
whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom,
knowledge and other capabilities and habits acquired by
man as a member of the society.”
 1. Knowledge and beliefs – Includes myths,
beliefs and scientific realities.

 2. Ideals – refers to societal norms which

define what is expected, customary, right in
given situation.

 3. Preferences – Things which are attractive

or unattractive as objects of desire.
 Learned : Culture is not inherited or biologically
based, it is acquired by learning and experience.
 Shared : People are member of a group, organisation,
or society share culture, it is not specific individual.
 Trans generational : Culture is passed on from one
generation to the next.
 Symbolic : Culture is based on the human capacity to
symbolic or use one thing that represent another.
 Adaptive : Culture is based on the human capacity to
change or adapt, as opposed to the more genetically
driven adaptive process of animals.
 Socio cultural environment consists of factors
related to human relationships and the
impact of social attitudes and cultural values
on the business of the organisation.
 The beliefs, values and norms of a society

determine how individuals and organisations

should be inter-related.
 Social and cultural environment has a
profound effect on the policies and strategies
of a business.
 Social concerns, such as the role of business in society,
environmental pollution, corruption, use of mass media,
and consumerism.
 Social attitudes and values, such as expectations of
society from business, social customs, beliefs, rituals and
practices, changing lifestyle patterns, and materialism.
 Family structure and the changes in it, attitude towards
and within the family and family values.
 Role of women in society, position of children and
adolescents in family and society.
 Educational levels, awareness and consciousness of
rights, and work ethics of members of society.

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