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Unit 12 Software Development

Characteristics and uses of software


By Harry Kibble
2A.P1) Explain the purpose of two simple
programs and their characteristics,
including tools and techniques used.
Purpose – Maze game
• Explain one purpose of the maze game program:
• A purpose of the maze game is to entertain the person who is playing
and to supply them with something easy and simple to play, instead
of the complicated and complexed games which are popular in
modern day society.
Screenshots – Maze game program
• Provide a screenshot of program functionality
Characteristics – Maze game program
• Provide an explanation of the following characteristics:
- Programming language used: Visual Basic

- Module and sub-routines: A module is a separate unit of software or hardware, and a sub-routine is a sequence of program instructions
that perform certain tasks. Visual basic uses sub routines, they are outlined in blue so they are easier to spot and can be easily accessed
by the coder. Big programs are broken down into smaller modules to make it easier for programmers when programming.

- Variables and Data Types (What variables were used? What data types were they? Why were they used?) the variables that were used
was picture arrays and X. picture array was picture box And X was an integer. X was used so that the 6 images that were used can be
looped, and picture array was used so that picture boxes can be set up.

• Mathematical Operators: Mathematical Operators are +, -, = and x. within the code there are 2 different mathematical operators used,
these are +’s, =‘s. the = is used so that an output can be created by fusing 2 or more pieces of code together, for example, in the code the
= sign is used when deciding outcomes such as ”If X = X then X will happen” or if X and X = this then X will happen”. The + is used for
creating a singular outcome out of 2 or more different pieces of code, for example, when moving a picture box, you would say “If keycode =
System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Right Then PictureBox10.Left = PictureBox10.Left + 5”. X in this programme is used as a loop counter.(What are
they? What operators were used and why?)
- Commenting: Commenting is a piece of writing within the code which is used as a guideline for people viewing the code. Unlike all other
pieces of code, commenting gets ignored when the application is started. (Why was the code commented?)
Code and commenting – Maze game program
• Provide a screenshot of code (with commenting)
Purpose - Languages program
• Explain one purpose of the Languages program

• A purpose of the languages programme is to teach the people using

the programme how to say “hello world” in 6 different languages and
to help them improve there vocabulary in different languages.
Screenshots - Languages program
• Provide a screenshot of program functionality
Characteristics - Languages program
• Provide an explanation of the following characteristics:
- Programming language used: Visual Basic

- Module and sub-routines: A module is a separate unit of software or hardware, and a sub-routine is a sequence of program
instructions that perform certain tasks. Visual basic uses sub routines, they are outlined in blue so they are easier to spot and can be
easily accessed by the coder. Big programs are broken down into smaller modules to make it easier for programmers when

- Variables and Data Types (What variables were used? What data types were they? Why were they used?) The only variables being
used are where the colors change once the country's have been clicked on. The variable was used to change the colors of the boxes.

- Mathematical Operators: Mathematical Operators are +, -, = and x. there is only 1 within the languages program, being the = sign.
This is used so that when a certain input is being used, it calculates what outcome for happen, for examples if you click on Spain, it
will recognize that due to the code and will output “Hello World” in Spanish. (What are they? What operators were used and why?)

- Commenting: Commenting is a piece of writing within the code which is used as a guideline for people viewing the code. Unlike all
other pieces of code, commenting gets ignored when the application is started. (Why was the code commented?)
Code and commenting – Languages program
• Provide a screenshot of code (with commenting)
2A.M1) Comment on the quality of one of the
given simple programs, suggesting any
improvements and provide a flow chart to show
the processing
Quality Review - language program
• Comment on the quality of one program

The language programme, although useful has many different bugs and things wrong
with it, for example, when trying to select Portuguese, the programme simply doesn’t
work. As well as Portugal not working, the wrong flag has also been used for England,
instead of the traditional red and white flag, they have implemented the UK flag
instead which is not accurate.

Although on the other hand, the coding within the programme is laid out neatly, which
makes it easier for new coders to read and get a small understanding of it. All of the
country's are laid out in their own sperate sections to avoid the confusion if the code
was all bunched up together.
Improvements - language program
• Suggest at least three improvements

• There are many improvements that the languages programme needs done
to it, for example, the code for Portugal should be checked and re written as
once it is clicked, it simply doesn’t function. As well as that, the flags of the
countries should all be geographically correct as when England is selected,
it displays the UK flag instead of the red and white English flag. One last
improvement which could be implemented is the fact that there is only a
small minority of countries listed on the programme, although having
England, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Portugal, there are so many
more countries which could be listed such as, Greek, Polish, Swahili, etc.
Flow Chart - Language program
• Provide screenshot evidence of flow chart

start Choose country Display text in chosen language

2A.D1) Discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of the software program
Strengths - Language program
• Discuss at least three strengths of the program (in relation to usability,
functionality, efficiency and/or readability).

• a strength of the languages programme is the fact that it could come

in handy if you are in one of the countries which is displayed on the
programme, for example if you are visiting France, you could use the
translator to say hello to people when visiting. Another strength is the
fact that it could be used for children of any age as it easy and simple
to use and could teach them how to speak In different languages.
Weaknesses - Languages program
• Discuss at least three weaknesses of the program (in relation to usability,
functionality, efficiency and/or readability).

• A weakness of the languages programme is the fact that it only displays

the sentence “hello world” meaning that in most scenario’s this
programme is useless. Another weakness is the fact that there is a
minuscule variety of countries meaning that in some situations, the
programme is yet again deemed pointless, especially since Portugal
doesn’t work when clicked. A third weakness is the fact that the
programme can't be run on mobile devices, meaning that it is useless
outside of a home environment. 

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