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Galo Rivas
2 Bach A

Technology is a tool that is highly used and beneficial for young people, it
has evolved little by little throughout the ages. This tool nowadays has a
very open field of studies and researches, allowing to being used for
medicine, architecture, etc.
Artificial Intelligence

My subtheme, the Artificial Intelligence, or I.A has the purpose of giving

mechanical robots the ability to develop feelings and choose their own
path, by the use of advanced software while involving in the community
as living things.

In 1956, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon formally coined the
term "Artificial Intelligence". On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence was created
to optimize human life.
In the daily use of Artificial Intelligence they are very common, for example voice
assistants, translators and chatbots.

AI has influenced our lives in such a way that people now get information through
cell phones, so nowadays we all need a phone to be able to read information or use
other applications which involve AI.
• I feel that as time goes by we are improving as a race, but I think it is a double-edged
sword because as our technology is always advancing, Nonetheless, there will come
a time when our creation will be more useful than us in all aspects and we will be left

• I chose this sub-theme because in my opinion it is the most important and

controversial branch because of all the topics it covers and its wide range of
• In the drawing you can see that it is a copy of the famous painting "The Creation of
Adam" by Michelangelo. In my case as my main theme is technology it is the same
thing, only in this case the robotic hand would be like that of god since we choose if
we want to continue advancing with religion or in this case technology.

• I painted a human hand and in front of it a robotic hand, I used the colour pink to
represent the human skin, and in the robot the colours black and green to depict the
metal that is used in their construction and the green in the wires inside. To draw
this sketch I used the technique of shading and blurring.

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