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¿What is affective pedagogy?

Theoretical background of the affective

 ·      Thought and language:          Vygotsky, Luria. A. Merani  

 ·      Emotional Intelligence:             Goleman,Shapiro, Marina  
 ·      Values:                                     Savater, Piaget, Ausubel  
 ·      Meaningful learning:          Ausubel, Bruner, Novak  
 ·      Context Siglo XXI:                   Drucker, Reich, Toffler  
 ·      Inteligence and Thought:        Garner, Stemberg, Feurestein
Background of the affective pedagogy

 The pedagogical concerns of the XXI century have brought a

series of proposals and alternatives of teaching.
 What happens to knwledge? Should it
be left aside?
 Historical moments: the traditional and the
educational refor at the end of the XX century.
Zubiria: Three worlds- three realities

 A love for himself.

 ·A love for the people  · A love for nature.
around us.
Miguel Angel Zubiria and his conceptual

 Graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Dedicated to scientific research to contribute to the growth and development

of the education in Colombia.

He has contributes significantly to the conceptual pedagogy which are

centered in: educating the talent of everybody and each one of the students
and educating in the affective competencies.

 PSYCOLOGY: Detects the difficulties in the emotional state and provides solutions.

 ETHICS: Promotes values as a referent to the teaching-learning process in order to

create a more human and harmonious society.

 SOCIOLOGY: Man is a social being who needs to relate, communicate and

associate. It also considers political, economic and religious aspects among others.
Objectives of the affective pedagogy

 To develop the affective dimension in order to improve the interior liberty.

 To let the strategies and classroom activities develop in a second moment

after after the teacher has detected the feelings, preferences, and
emotional /psychologic conditons of his students.

 To promote a classroom a atmosphere which enhances a positive attitude

towards the student´s self steem as a way to increase learning.
Objectives of the affective pedagogy

 Educate students to become happy adults, who are intrapersonal,

interpersonal and socially competent,

 Create a new perspective of education where the the values and principles
are promoted and respected inside the classroom and extended to the

 To construct and reconstruct knowledge not only inside of the classroom,

but to extend this knoeledge to improve the society.
Fases de la pedagogía afectiva
¿How to teach in the affective pedagogy?
Modelo pedagógico curricular
Principios didácticos

• The purpose

• The sequence

• The resources


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