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Zero and First Conditionals

Conditionals are made up of 2 clauses:

 1) a clause introduced by IF = se
 2) a main clause that describes its consequences
Zero Conditional describes something that is always
true or scientific rules: If + simple present … simple

 If you heat ice, it melts = se riscaldi il ghiaccio, si

 If you go to bed very late, you feel tired the next day =
se si va a letto tardi, ci si sente stanchi il giorno dopo
 Ifyou push this button, the light goes off = se premi
questo tasto, la luce va via
First Conditional describes possible
consequences in the future: If + simple present
… will
 If I study, I will pass the exam = se studio, supererò
 IfI pass my exam, my parents will buy me a new
Iphone = se passo l’esame, i miei genitori mi
compreranno un Iphone nuovo.
It is possible to invert the order of the 2

 Ice melts if you heat ice. (no comma)

I will pass the exam if I study. (no comma)
IF can be replaced by WHEN.

 If= something may happen If I become President,

I will reduce taxes.
 when = something definitely happens When the
film finishes, I’ll go home.

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