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Indikator Cut off Kategori Referensi

Underweight 5–9% Low prevalence (warning sign, WHO, 1995

Dewasa IMT<18,5 monitoring required)
10 – 19 % Medium prevalence (poor
20 – 39 % High (critical situation)
>= 40 % Very high (critical situation)
Indikator Cut off Kategori Referensi

Vitamin A Consultative Sommer and

Group prevalence criteria. Davidson 2002
Clinical dalam Gibson
Children 2-5 y 2005
Night blindness >1.0 Public health problem
Bitot’s spots >0.5 Public health problem
Corneal xerosis >0.01 Public health problem
Corneal ulcers >0.01 Public health problem
Corneal scars >0.05 Public health problem

Women of childbearing
Night blindness during >5.0 Public health problem
recent pregnancy

Serum retinol >15 Public health problem
Masalah Gizi Masyarakat Prevalensi Pendek Prevalensi Kurus Referensi

Baik < 20% < 5% Modifikasi WHO

1997 dalam
Akut < 20 % > 5% Kemenkes 2018
Kronis > 20% < 5%
Akut + Kronis > 20% > 5%
• There is a serious nutritional emergency where the malnutrition rate
is either over 15%, or over 10% with aggravating factors (e.g. an
epidemic). Such a situation requires urgent action.
• Gibson 68

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