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Curso: Ingles Grado escolar: 1ro Secundaria Tema: “physical and

personality adjectives”
Tema: “physical and personality adjectives” Value: Respectous
Topic: “ SHE IS TERRIBLE MAD” Date: 20/04/20


• Ringggg!
• James: Hello! This is James
• Mrs. Anderson : Good evening Sir! I`m Mrs. Anderson. Ann`s mother. Is Tom there?

• James : I don`t know him. What does he look like?

• Mrs. Anderson: He`s short and so chubby. He has green eyes , and blond hair
• James ; and what is he like?
• Mrs Anderson: He is hardworking, funny,
• James : Oh! Mrs. Just a moment please- Tom, your mother is in the phone.
 Mathew is thin, tall. He has black hair and sky blue eyes
 Louis is strong, young,. he has curly hair and brown eye
 Carl is helpful, friendly, smart
 Sam is friendly, honest, kind
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE ADJECTIVES We use physical appearance adjectives to describe
the physical appearance/looks of a person
- The question for the physical appearance of a
person is:
- Use do with : we, you, they.
- Use does with: he, she
Note: we use the verbs (am, is, are), (has-
have) to describe the physical appearance.
What does Paul look like?
He is medium height, has curly hair and he is
good looking

HEIGHT (talla) WEIGHT (peso) HAIR (cabello) AGE (edad)

- Pretty tall-Muy alto - Heavy – grueso, pesado - straight hair - young - joven
- Medium height - Frail - dèbil - Blond hair- cabello rubio - Elderly- anciano
De mediana estatura - Stocky – fornido - Long hair - middle age- de
- Tall - alto - Thin - delgado - Bald – calvo mediana edad
- Tallist – el màs alto - Frail - dèbil -Curly hair- cabello crespo - Teenager- Adolescente

- Short - bajo - Stocky - fornido - Wavy hair- cabello ondeado - Child - niño

- Shortist – el màs bajo - Slim - flaco - Short hair – cabello corto -

- Plump - regordete - Black hair – cabello negro

- Fat - gordo - Brown hair – Cabello marròn
- Skinny - flaco
- Well built- Buena contextura


- Round - redonda - casual - good looking – bien parecido
- oval - ovalada - formal - ugly - feo
- square - cuadrada - scruffy gastado
- wrinkles- arrrugas - shabby gastado
- freckles - pecas - smart elegante
- sun tanned- morocha - tidy ordenado
- pale - pàlido

The personality adjectives describe the personality of a person.

The question for describe the personality is
WHAT IS HE /SHE LIKE? The answer is:
She is cheerful, artistic, and honest
These are some personality adjective
 Easygoing Despreocupado
 Straight forward Honrado, franco, sencillo
 Self confident Seguro de si mismo
 Serious Serio
 Boring Aburrido
 Unfriendly Hostil, poco amistoso
 Patient Paciente
 Bossy Ocupado
 Sweet Dulce, encantador, amable , generoso
 Outgoing Extrovertido
 Spoiled Mimado , consentido, malcriado
 Intelligent Inteligente
 Grumpy Gruñon, proteston
 Generous Generoso, altruista
 Funny Divertido, gracioso
 Responsible Responsable
 Hardworking Trabajador
 Smart Listo, vivo, inteligente
 Lazy Perezoso, vago. Oscioso
 Creative Creativo
 Shy Timido
 Helpful Util, servicial
 Energetic Enèrgico, vigoroso
 Kind Amable
 Artistic Artìstico
 Clever Hàbil, listo
 Honest Honesto,legal, sincere, honrado
• We use adjectives to describe: Physical appearance and personality of a person:
a) True b) False
• We don`t use the verbs (to be) and (have) to describe a person :
a) True b) false
• The question for physical appearance of a person is :
a)What is she like? b ) What does she look like?
• The question for personality of a person is :
a) What`s is she like? b) What does she look like?

• 1. What does your friend look like?

• 2. What is your parents like?
Mother: ____________________________
• 3. What does your sister look like?
• 4. What are you like?

• 5. What does your teacher look like?
___________________ ____________________

HOMEWOORK: Work book page 15- 16-17- 18

• Choose the correct alternative to complete
1. My Aunt________short, thin and she ___________ long hair.
a) is - has b) are - have
2. My sister is______________________and_______________, She ___________ sweet.
a)beautiful – tall – is b) tall – beautiful – are
3. The opposite of Handsome is __________________.
a) tall b)short c) ugly
4. Mary is __________________and she has________________________
a) curly hair – helpful b)helpful – curly hair

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