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Global temperatures are rising because the extraction of coal, oil, and gas releases billions of tons of Carbon

Dioxide (CO2) into the earth’s atmosphere every year.

The past four years were considered one of the hottest records. According to the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO), in September 2019, the earth is at least one (1) degree Celsius beyond pre-industrial
levels and scientists warn it to be an “unacceptable risk.”

The Arctic and mountain regions, glaciers, and ice sheets are already melting rapidly compared to before,
which causes the sea level to increase.

The United Nations stated that almost two thirds (⅔) of the world’s cities with more than five (5) million
populations, are in areas that are at a high risk of the sea level rise,
The main concern of climate change is protection for the environment, specifically the plants and animals, and
their habitats.

Another thing is that it is also concerned about the society, health of the population, the possible diseases that
climate change gives, and food and water security. 

According to the United Nations, climate change has a wide range of impacts on human life and their health. It
compromises the foundations of human health- clean air, safe drinking water, nutritious foods, and a secured
shelter. Also, it can disrupt the progress of global health for decades. 
As climate change shifts, there is also a shift in the distribution of agricultural activity and productivity.
According to a recent study, crop output in the United States will fall by 2 to 4 percent each year. Mostly, the
poor and the vulnerable are particularly affected by this issue. 
Although climate change has natural causes, human activities are viewed as the primary cause of climate
change since the industrial revolution introduced the burning of fossil fuels, which increased the yield of carbon
dioxide and the conversion of forests to farmlands.

The increase of carbon dioxide and other substances, also known as climate forcers, forces or pushes
the climate to become warmer or cooler. Since carbon dioxide and some gases are extremely long-lived,
such gas emissions would accumulate in the atmosphere and remain for centuries. As a result, the fight
against climate change will be difficult to win.
As the problem of climate change continues to aggravate, governments continue to build
resilience to climate change impacts while ensuring that greenhouse gas emissions within the
country are monitored.

Establishing legal and institutional frameworks for climate mitigation and adaptation is critical for
each country, as it will allow them to meet their development goals and international
For many years, the popes of the Catholic Church have advocated for action on climate change,
as they are regarded as true global visionaries. The tragic reality that the underprivileged and
poor have always faced the worst consequences of greenhouse emissions is constantly
perceived by the popes.
According to Grace Gagnon, Global warming is a serious problem right now. Carbon dioxide levels
in the atmosphere are higher today than they have been in the last 800,000 years. This may not
seem alarming but it represents some frightening information.

The fact that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere now than at any previous time in the
last 800,000 years is highly revealing. There has been widespread deforestation, resulting in fewer
trees and lower oxygen generation on our planet. This just serves to emphasize how global
warming is changing the way our world operates.
Global sea-level rise and heatwaves are caused by global warming but these have also anthropological
and natural causes. Global warming melts the polar ice caps and glaciers along the poles. In addition,
the heatwave is caused by the pressurized system in the atmosphere going down that pushes warm air
to a state or region.

The Philippines is included in these countries. As one of the countries being the first to experience
typhoons, the Philippines have experienced intensified droughts and typhoons.
The Department of Science and Technology has put in place many systems to mitigate the
consequences of global warming in the country and foster a broader understanding of the
DOST prioritizes support for mitigation measures in forestry, waste management, marine
resources, energy, agriculture, and industry when it comes to research and development on
global warming. It also intends to build local expertise in monitoring, assessment, and mitigation
methods, as well as awareness initiatives and network setup.

The passage of the Biofuels Act of 2006 is one of the government’s ways of managing as
The church has also responded. Conversion is preached by the church. This conversion talks about
the change of heart on a personal and parish level.

Advocating for environmental protection, the ability to conduct energy analysis, disposable
consumption reduction, recycling, composting, carpooling, and biking encouragement to church events
are highly recommended for this way, this symbolic presence and avoided environmental degradation
addition remain significant to the solution of everyone else.

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