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How the four seasons came to be 9-1

Greek Mythology

Larissa Hatton – Keyri Jiménez

Deméter was the goddess of harvest and Zeus´ sister,
she was who blessed the earth and made sure that
everyone had a great harvest, but this also depended
on her moods

She was Deméter´s daugther, she was
Persephone known for her beauty, happiness and
because she was full of life

He was the brother of Zeus and Deméter
Hades and the god of the underworld, he was
always alone and was always surrounded
by images of death.

03 Zeus Zeus was the king of the gods, he was the

god of thunder and sky and he was also the
father of Persephone.
Deméter lived on Mount Olympus but she had to go down to earth very often
to see if everything was ok. she loved her daughter so much that she was not
able to separate from her, so she used to take her to earth with her.

On one of those trips Hades saw Persephone picking flowers and when he saw
her he was captivated, not only because of her beauty but also because she was
full of life, besides he needed a queen and Persephone was perfect for that.

When Persephone went away from Deméter to pick more flowers Hades saw
the perfect opportunity to kidnap her, and with Zeus' permission he took her to
the underworld, where he forced her to become his queen. Deméter didn't
understand what happened but she went into a great depression because of the
loss of her daughter, this caused the death of all the crops and the harvest was
At first Zeus didn't want to get involved in the conflict but when he saw that it
was affecting all living creatures on earth and that even with the passing of
time Deméter wasn't getting better, he decided to talk to her, but Deméter
refused to help until her daughter was returned to her.

So Zeus made a deal with Hades, Persephone would be 6 months with her
mother (spring and summer) and the other 6 months of the year she stayed with
him ( fall and winter).

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