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IFG Trade test Overview

On the day of the trade test you will be asked to complete the following tasks:
 To produce and present:
 Two Portions of main course with all garnishing and accompaniments
 Cold dessert to accompany main meal
 Boxed compound salad
 To produce a small VIP client buffet for two people consisting of:
 2 types of canapés hot or cold
 2 types of canapés to include vegetarian
 1 type of dessert canapé
 You may use any of the ingredients that are in the kitchen. You may bring your
own Ingredients if you wish. Please bring a receipt for any purchases for
reimbursement and keep the spend to a maximum of £20

You will then be marked on the following criteria:
 Main course food quality
 Working practices
 Interaction with colleagues
 Organisation
 Interaction with students and staff
 Quality of client buffet

Feedback will be provided upon review of scoring criteria.

To help you prepare, you should take the following into consideration:
 Our customer base and the audience we tailor to - even though we work in schools you
are permitted to season meals appropriately
 Deliver your creations with our shared passion of providing high quality food for our
clients and pupils

Finally, we wish you the best of luck with your trade test!
IFG Trade test Scoring

Mark the candidate on the following criteria:

Scoring Criteria 1 (low) 2 3 4 5 (high)

Main course food quality

Working practises

Interaction with


Interaction with students

and staff

Quality of client buffet

Scoring Criteria Pointers

Scoring Points to look for

Taste of dish, good presentation, visually appealing, choice

Main course food quality
of display equipment
Knife skills, cleanliness in working, personal hygiene,
Working practises
cooking technique

Interaction with colleagues Communication, personality, integration in team

Organised tasks effectively, time management, work station

Interaction with students Engaging with students and staff, polite, selling the product,
and staff enthusiasm

Quality of client buffet Innovation of product, food quality, presentation

Provide feedback upon review of scoring criteria.

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