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Betel Nut is a seed of the Areca catechu, which is a type of a Palm Tree.
Tribes from tropical areas specifically, South and Southeast Asia and the
Pacific have passed on through generations the custom of chewing betel nut.
It is usually sliced then combined with slaked lime known as “apog”, tobacco
and other spices and wrapped in betel leaves which is also known as “gawed”.
Betel nut is considered to be the fourth most addictive substance in the world
after nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine. Though chewing betel nut is a part of the
culture and tradition of some tribes, there are strong and growing evidences of
serious health problems from frequent and regular use.
People chew betel nut from claims that they get a sense of well-being
and in addition their hunger is satisfied and their breath is sweetened.
This nut is also used traditionally as a medicine to relieve some
ailments from digestive problems to cardiovascular illnesses and it is
even said that it has some cancer-fighting properties. But these still
need further research to prove them.

The fundamental reasons of this proposals is that we ould like to find out the reasons of why
some people mostly those belong to Indigenous group and some Ilocanos why they are still
practicing this culture- The Chewing Betel nut.
In choosing a Philippine Popular Culture that is existing until now, We chose “NGANGA” –
betel nut chewing in the Philippines as our subject in making a vlog
because we observed that a lot of people especially those part of Ip group (Indigenous
People) like Ifugaos who live in far flung areas are still practicing this culture or still chewing
a betel nut until now, knowing that betel nut is the reason why most of them have a red-stained
teeth that is not pleasant to look at based on some certain beauty standards and can cause a bit
of stir from someone who is not used to seeing this culture.
According to Valdez 2004, Chewing betel quid has been a customary
practice of Filipinos since the pre-Spanish colonial period throughout the
Philippines. It is part of the social undertakings and ceremonies and is
believed to increase stamina, good health, and longevity.

So, we chose this subject to widened our knowledge and to solve our
curiosity about chewing betel nut of those part of Ip Group and some
Ilocanos. Is it required to them or is it mandatory to continuously do this
as their way of embracing this culture? Or it is just their own choice why
they are chewing betel nut and just to satisfy themselves?

In choosing a Philippine Popular Culture that is existing until now, We

chose “NGANGA” – betel nut chewing in the Philippines as our subject
in making a vlog because we observed that a lot of people especially those
part of Ip group (Indigenous People) like Ifugao who live in a far flung
areas are still doing this culture or still chewing a betel nut until now,
knowing that betel nut was the reason why most of them have a red teeth
that is not pleasant to look at.
To make this possible, we prepare some questionnaire that we will
conduct in Cordon,Isabela where some Indigenous Group Lived. We also
interviewed some Ilocanos in Ilocos Sur who used to chew betel nut for a
long time.
These questionnaires will serve as our guide for gathering informations
that may help us to understand their perspective in this kind of cuture.
How long have you been doing betel nut chewing?
How does it taste like?
What are the main ingredients that are needed in chewing betel nut?
Who taught you how to chew betel nut?
How many of your family members are chewing betel nut?
What age did you started chewing betel nut?
Does betel nut burns or irritate your mouth? (parts of t)
What do you think are the benefits you get from betel nut chewing?
Does betel chewing has a negative impact in oral health?
Are you chewing betel nut just because it is part of your culture? Or it is just
your own choice?

Wear Facemask, Follow Social Distancing

Where :
Around Cordon Isabela where Ip Group Lived.

When :
July 02, 2022

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