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• A pronoun is a word that stands for a noun,

known as antecedent of the pronoun.
• There are some important key points to be
considered for the use of pronoun.
• Pronoun must agree with their antecedents in
both number ( singular or plural ) and person
( first, second and third).
- Steve has yet to receive his degree.
• A pronoun should be singular when it refers to
two singular nouns joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor’ .
# Neither Jane nor Katrina believes they
passed the final exam.
Correct: Neither Jane nor Katrina believes she
passed the final exam.
• A noun should refer to one and only one noun or
compound noun.
Faulty Usage:
- The breakup of the Soviet Union has left nuclear
weapons in the hands of unstable, nascent
countries. It is imperative to world security that
they be destroyed.
- In Somalia, they have jaded by the constant
• A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in
Faulty Usage: One enters this world with no
responsibilities. Then comes school, then
work, then marriage and family. No wonder,
you look longingly to retirement.
• Using I and me with compound subjects and
direct or indirect objects.
- Use I in the subject of the sentence.
# Sarah and me went to Italy for vacation.
Correct: Sarah and I went to Italy for vacation.
- Use me in indirect object of the sentence.
# He gave the gift to Hari and I.
Correct: He gave the gift to Hari and me.
Try it !!!
1. The President asked the Secretary of Defense
and I whether we would be willing to remain in
our positions for at least the first year of his

second term. No error

2. Geologists in California have discovered a
fault near the famous San Andreas Fault, one
that they believe to be a trigger for major
quakes on the San Andreas.
A. one that they believe to be a trigger for
B. one they believe to be a trigger for
C. one that they believe triggers
D. that they believe to be a trigger for
3. Nearly all pundits agree that in spite of his
surprisingly strong and close campaign
Republicans are unlikely to renominate him in
four years. No error
1. Harvard’s lacrosse team performed (A) well throughout
the 1990s (B) because (C) they were able (D) to
recruit high quality athletes from various preparatory
schools across the country. (E) No Error
2. (A) Determined that we sleep eight hours a night, (B) my
mother made (C) my brother and I turn all our lights
out (D) at ten o’clock every night. (E) No Error
3. (A) If one wishes (B) to play piano (C) like a virtuoso,
you (D) must begin by mastering basics like chords and
4. (A) Many writers rely (B) heavily on their editors (C) when
publishing a book because (D) they are determined to
present the best final product possible. (E) No Error
1. The correct answer here is (C) they were because the plural
pronoun they incorrectly refers to its singular
antecedent team. The correct pronoun to use here would be the
singular pronoun it – but that alone sounds a bit
awkward. Perhaps replacing that phrase altogether with “its
coaching staff” would improve the sentence even more.
2. Now when you read through the sentence the phrase “my
brother and I turn out the lights” sound very awkward, as it
should since the pronoun is in the wrong case.
3.  The answer is clearly (A) If one wishes. The person should
remain consistent throughout the sentence.
4. The correct answer here would be (D).

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