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Economics & economy

Allocate – division
Economic problem – scarcity , choice
Oc – loss of other alternate wen 1 alternate is
Greek word – household management
Economics 1. Oikos –household
2. Nemein – management

• It is a science (Branch of knowledge) which studies human behaviour

(activities) as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have
alternative uses to achieve
1. Consumer – maximum satisfaction
2. Producer (production of goods & services ) – maximum profit
3. Nation – maximum social welfare
Human / market needs/ wants /ends
1. Unlimited / Recurring /Multiple/innumerable – As 1 need is over another is generated
2. These wants have been increasing day by day . They r effected (actual) or generated (jealousy)
3. These r satisfied by Resources / wealth but not fully satisfied (unsatisfied) at any given time as
resouces r limited with alternative use .
• Food, shelter, cloth , education & health

Resources(goods & services) /input / money /

wealth(scarce means)
• 2 basic characteristics –
1. Scarcity / limited (shortage)– supply of resources < demand of resources .
No matter how much resources r there& what the price is , they r still limited / scarce in relation to
unlimited human / market needs / wants. (can’t fulfill all needs)
Scarcity of resources exist at both micro & macro level .
Only if certain goods r available at 0 price & involves no opportunity cost (OC) .
All resources r not equally scarce all the time , some might be scarce & others be less scarce
acc to Mcc Connell – scarcity is a situation in which there is not enough of resources to meet all
human wants

2. Alternative uses – scarce Resources can be allocated to alternative use eg – land (cultivation or building )
• It is the process of selection from available limited alternatives
• It emerges/arises because :-
1. Resources r scarce
Choice / 2. Resources can be allocated to alternative use
sacrifise 3. Wants is unlimited
economic problem • Choice leads to decision making which results to efficient usage of limited
resources ( economising / economical use of scarce resources) in the
economy in a manner that
1. Consumer – maximum satisfaction
2. Producer (production of goods & services ) – maximum profit
3. Nation – maximum social welfare
(which wants to be satisfied first & which later)

• In reality Resources r limited & wants r unlimited . This leads to

1. Scarcity
2. Choice
3. Economic problem arising out of scarcity & choice
4. Scope of economics

• But if in hypothetical situation Resources r unlimited & wants r limited . This leads to
1. No Scarcity
2. No Choice
3. No Economic problem
4. No Scope of economics
Micro economics Macro economics
Greek (mikros –small) Greek (makros –large)

1. Study of economic relationships / 1. Study of economic relationships /

activities / problems at individual activities / problems aggregate at the
level of economy as a whole (country)
level ( partial -1 aggregation )
( general – all aggregation )
2. It is basically concerned with 2. It is basically concerned with
determination of output & price determination of aggregate output &
for an individual firm or industry general price level in the economy as a
It is called theory of price . whole
It is called theory of income &
3. Its study assumes that macro employment .
variables remain constant 3. Its study assumes that micro variables
4. Market forces (of supply & remain constant
demand ) play a significant role in 4. Government policies(monetary & fiscal )
context of microeconomic play a significant role in context of
problems ( product pricing , macroeconomic problems
( unemployment , poverty , inflation )
factor pricing )
5. It includes study of aggregate demand &
5. It includes study of demand aggregate supply of all goods & services
theory , production theory , price in the economy eg – national income ,
determination , factor pricing total employment , general price level
Positive economics Normative economics
1. These statements do not reflect 1. These statements reflect value
any value judgement / opinion judgement / opinion of the
of the economists economists . Dif economist may
2. These statements highlight the offer dif solution to an economic
facts & figures, nature & extent problem which may not be best
solution to it
of economic problems / issues
or analyse the economic 2. These statements leads to
behaviour of ppl related to past controversies & debates
, present & future 3. These statements are not
verifiable for truth (facts & figures
3. These statements are verifiable
can not be verified )
for truth (facts & figures can be
verified as true or false ) 4. These statements are related to
what ought to be as a solution to
4. These statements are related to economic problems
what was , what is , what could
5. Eg-Farmer should always be
granted subsidies to ensure fair
5. Eg-22% of ppl in India r poor returns on their investment
• The nature & level of dif economic activities performed by the ppl of an
area to earn their living. This is system is called economy .
• An individual is himself not capable of producing all goods & services
which he needs for satisfaction of wants . He depends upon others . Thus
mutual interdependence & exchange are core elements of an economy .

Simple economy Complex economy

1. Income level of ppl is low 1. Income level of ppl is high
2. Wants are multiple but not so 2. Wants are multiple as well as
enormous . enormous.
3. Mutual interdependence is 3. Mutual interdependence is
limited very high
4. Degree of exchange is 4. Degree of exchange is very
moderate high
Organisation of economic activities : types of economies
Economic activities [production , consumption ,investment ,exchange ] r controlled / regulated by govt
of a country
Controlled / centrally planned Free economy / market
economy economy Mixed economy
• These r the economies • These r the economies • These r the economies
where the economic where the economic where the economic
activities r firmly controlled activities r governed by the
activities r controlled by
by the govt or some free play of market forces
market forces but are regulated by the
central authority
• Economic decissions r government
• Economic decissions r
driven by the motive of • Economic decissions r driven
driven by the motive of by the motive of both profit
profit maximisation
ocail welfare maximisation & Socail
• The consumer is
• The consumer is not welfare
sovereign sovereign • The consumer is sovereign
• Most resources • Most resources • Most resources controlled
controlled /owned by the controlled /owned by the /owned by both ppl & govt
govt ppl • Both Public sector & Private
• Public sector dominates • Private sector dominates sector dominates the
economic activity
the economic activity the economic activity
• India
• China , russia , north korea • Usa , uk
Important names
•  Robbins : "Economics is the science which studies human behaviour as a
relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses.

• Adams Smith : father of economics

• J.m Keyens : father of modern macro
economics – The General(macro) Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money (1936.)
• Ragnar Frisch: 1933 divided economics in two
Market econies promote disparities in income
distribution even when resources r optimally utilized ?

• In market economies , resources r optimally utilised because

every producer focuses on maximisation of output per unit
input . But disparities in income distribution r highly pronounced .
1. Resources r allocated to the production of those goods which
yeild high profits . So that goods r produced largely for the richer
sections of the sociey & poor suffer deprivation
2. In market economies , some jobs r outsourced from rest of the
world where labour cost is low . This cuases loss of
employement opportunities in domestic economy , accordingly
wage component of GDP tends to shrink even when profits tend
to rise
Positive statements / facts
• On independence , poverty in India affected
larger %age of population than now
• 22% of ppl in India r poor
• If population of India continue to grow at the
existing rate it may exceed 22% in forthcoming

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