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3rd topic

“Sex Education
in Muslim
Perspectives” RONALD L. BANTAN
Education is a continuous process of values and expertise. It entails teaching,
A learning, socialization and enculturation. Islamic education is complete
B (shamil), balanced, and it objectives personality development, cognizant
S thoughts set, patriotism, open-mindedness, highbrow, religious and harmonious
T coexistence.
R Education in Islam specializes in useful expertise which has an instantaneous
A have an impact on at the receiver. It molds each the highbrow colleges and person
C of the individual. The satisfactory educator in Islam turned into Prophet
Muhammad and he's an excellent function version for all teachers
T (uswatanhassanah) and educators.

Turned into capable of train human beings via the Qur’an and the
hadith, the essential re asserts of Islamic schooling, via movement and
speech and via wisdom, with its numerous degrees and varieties. It is
vital to be aware that Islamic schooling isn't mere memorization of a
few Islamic texts; instead it's miles the complete and aware expertise
of all aspect of life.
I Sex Education may be a sensitive however necessary a part of any education. Sex education
N may also be described as "sexuality education", which means that it encompasses education
T about all aspects of sexuality, including information about family planning, reproduction
R (fertilization, conception and development of the embryo and fetus, through to childbirth), plus
information about all aspects of one's sexuality.
C This time Muslim kids have gotten profane sex education at faculties and wrong
T messages from the media. Qur'an has given a lot of stress on acquiring
information. Within the days of Prophet (SM) Muslim men and women were
N never felt tidiness to raise him queries as well as those with reference to private
affairs like sexual life.

Islamic sexuality education means imparting age-specific knowledge

of sexuality and sexual health according to Islamic values and
principles. The aim is teaching Muslims the moral character of Islam
and its rulingsand aware expertise of all aspect of life.
At the end of the discussion the participants will be able to understand the meaning and
scope of Sex Education in Muslim Education Perspective


01 Identify the role of the Parent, and Teachers in educating the

Muslim children in term the topic.

Give a specific example on how this concept is used and

02 understand the sex education process..

To know some hazard of early sex and Risk of Pregnancy,

03 Abortion and Parenthood for Adolescents.
Means physical activity between two people in which they touch each other's sexual organs, and which
may include sexual intercourse. Sex refers not only to sexual activity, it also marks the difference between
male and female anatomy. Today according to the western concept sex means the act of intimacy between
two people of the opposite or same sex, starting with being together leading to foreplay and the sexual act

Islamic concept sex is the cohabitation of a male with a female for the purpose of
reproduction Allah says. The primary purpose of sex education is to promote
wholesome family and interpersonal relationships.

 Islamic sex education will encompass questions of morality as well as proper

sexual health.
 Islamic concept of sexuality in Islam recognizes the power of sexual need. This
subject is discussed in the Qur'an and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad
within the context of marriage and family life
 Islam does not consider women/men to be
objects of sexual pleasure except within the
framework of a relationship which fulfills the
will of God

 The Islamic laws regarding sex are fixed and do not change with peer
pressure or the changing values of society.

 Virginity at the time of marriage is considered a virtue in Islamic morality.


Nurturing and sexuality education for children from the perspective of Islam and scientific resources.
Parents are responsible for instilling in their children the religious beliefs, the social, cultural and moral
training of Islam as well as for their physical well-being. In non-Muslim societies or in societies where
Islamic teachings are not correctly followed, the task of Muslim parents becomes even graver. The Qur’an
relates the advice of Luqman (AS) to his son as follows:

[1]Parents are introduced by Islamic and scientific resources as the first educators of sexuality for children
[2]All resources highlighted that values and cultural features of each family are explained to children by
their parents.
[3] Islamic and scientific resources put an emphasis on the effectiveness parent role on promotion of sexual
health in children and establishment of a healthy society
[4]Parents should help their sons and daughters in selection of their mate using Islamic practice as a criteria
and not race, color or wealth. They should encourage them to know each other in a supervised setting.

 To provide a platform for boys and girls to see

and know each other without any intimacy.

 Offer premarital educational courses to boys and girls over 18 separately to prepare
them for the role of father and husband and of mother and wife. The father has a
special role, mentioned by Prophet Muhammad, "One who is given by God, a child,
he should give it a beautiful name, should give him or her education, and training and
when he or she attains puberty, he should see to it that he or she is married. If the
father does not arrange their marriage after puberty, and the boy or girl is involved in
sin, the responsibility of that sin will lie with the father"
 Teachers are role models and credible sources of information for students
and their families. You will learn how to prepare for teaching the human
sexuality curriculum, how to be more comfortable with the curriculum, what
you need to know about notifying parents, and how to better understand your

 The teacher is required to have

professional skills to carry out tasks and
responsibilities for school improvement.
 The teacher in Islamic Junior High School of
Muhammadiyah, especially the teacher in the field of
Islamic Education.
 Professional skills are needed in realizing the ideals of
Muslims who want their students to become
knowledgeable and devoted people

 School discipline is a prerequisite for the formation of a

conducive educational environment to education activities
and processes.
 Involvement and responsibility, students are
expected to be successfully fostered and formed
into superior and successful individuals

 Good individual discipline supports the

improvement of learning achievement and the
development of positive behavior

 Islam recognizes the strong sexual urge and desire for reproduction.

 Islam encourages marriage as a shield from immorality. In Islam the

marriage of a man and woman is not just a financial and legal living
arrangement, not even just for reproduction, but provides a total
commitment, a contract witnessed by Allah.

 Love and joy of companionship are parts of this commitment. A married

couple assumes a new social status and responsibility for themselves, their
children and their community. Allah says:
 "Among His signs is that He created consorts for you from among yourselves,
so that you may find tranquility with them, and (He) set love and compassion
between you. Verily in this are signs for people who reflect. "Prophet
Muhammad said:
 "Marriage is my tradition. He who rejects my tradition is not of me."

 "Marriage is half of the religion, the other half is being Allah fearing." In Islam
there is no fixed rule for the age of marriage

 It is becoming fashionable for young Muslim men not to marry until they have
completed their education, have a job, or reached age 26-30 or more.

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Those of you who own the means should
marry, otherwise should keep fasting for it curbs desires.”

 The health hazards of early sex include sexual trauma, increase in the
incidence of cervical cancer, sexually transmitted disease, and teenage
pregnancy. A variety of injuries are possible when the sexual organs are
not sufficiently mature for sex. Some of these injuries have a long
lasting effect. Cervical cancer has been thought to be related to sex
occurring at an early age and with multiple partners. Dr. Nelson and his
associates, in their article on the epidemiology of cervical cancer, calls
this type malignancy a sexually transmitted disease.

 What is cruel for girls is that often pregnancy is a key factor in terminating relationships, as "more
than 85 percent of all boys who impregnate teenage girls will eventually abandon them" (Gordon,
1983-84). Usually, the relationships are terminated, and broken relationships have consequences.
These teenage girls can have problems with interpersonal commitment because of their negative
experience. Those with one or more broken relationships may build up defenses against being hurt
again and protect themselves by becoming involved with multiple sexual partners, by being
uncommitted, or by living with a man, unmarried (Vandegaer, 1983).
 Moreover, those who decide not to engage in sexual activity have the satisfaction of being in
control and are free to be more helpful to others, while those who engaged tend to turn inward and
think about their own needs and wants. They do not enjoy the same freedom as non-virginal peers
do. They lost control, and this can result in diminished self-esteem (Kennedy, 1991 ).

 Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo

or fetus.
 Those who become pregnant have to decide whether to carry their babies to term
or to have abortions.


 the state of being a parent

 specifically : the position, function, or standing of a parent
 Involve both tangible and potential risks, in some cases, the teenage girl does not
receive adequate prenatal care because she is trying to hide the pregnancy, does
not know that special care is needed.

 Nurturing and sexuality education need to be conceptualized by each society.

Moreover, it was argued that children’s healthy development and growth will
occur as parents gain skills as the first educators of sexuality for children. In
addition to proper and healthy growth, nurturing and sexuality education can
prevent sexual deviations, disorders, and diseases. All these issues indicate the
necessity of attention to sexuality education and considering the fact that Islamic
community requires to be shaped through its own teaching principles; the
discovery of education and training methods consistent with these foundations,
goals, and principles extracted from major religious texts as well as techniques
elicited from verses and accounts can be a turning point in this domain in this
society. Accordingly, guidelines for parents’ readiness in line with their own
culture and religion.
“It shouldn’t matter “The future depends
what anyone in the on what you do
school thinks. You are today.”
who you are. Don’t let
anyone take that away – Mahatma Gandhi
from you.”


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