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Learning Activity 2


Evidence: The Tiny House movement. Vocabulary

Phrasal verbs

Apprentice: Diego Francisco López Dorado

Tutor: Engelbert Martinez Pelaez

Look love, here is a good place to build
our Little house. You like?
What a joy to be in our own
home, we are going to take
good care of it.
Count on nothing better tan
having a good fresh air
It is neccesary to count on a
good Budget, before buyin
the house
Couch potatoes use to be armchair
critics who always criticize anyone
else´s plans, do not to pay attention
to them and focus on choosing the
type of house that more fits in your
These are some of the appliances
you can have in a small house. The
ideal is that it is to your liking and
you feel good.
There is nothing better tan living
In an hassle-free environment and
Enjoying the peace and tranquility
In life I like to live
With dignity and
a lot of peace.
Another aspect to keep in
Mind is that to live well, is that nothing
Uneasy or worry you
The Tiny House Movement
People who used to have a lot On the plate
strugging a Normal sized house then found
That living in a tiny house one has Taken a load
off them.
In a small house, as is well known, you can only
have a bathroom,
A kitchen, a bedroom that can be on the second
floor and a
Rest room, these in turn can have a sink a TV,
system stereo,
Lamps, about two chair and some paintings.
Inn this film we see a family looking for
A small and affordable house to try out
another lifestyle a Little better.
It does´t mean you have turned
Into a basket case, the tiny house
Movement is getting more and more
Popular throught the time
Nevertheless… ther will be many
other people who would prefer
To live more comfortably in a big
confortable house, for carry out
yours sleeps.
Legal norms that regulate

Turn on
Move into anywhere

Free places to parking the Tiny

Living in a Tiny house, you can count
on nice people and unfriendly
The families who prefer tiny houses
Keeping out of paying services since
They have solar panels
One of the disadvantafes of small
houses is
That they can be easily broken
Because they are not as safe.
If you live in a Tiny house, you should check
The next sings, think about what to do with
The clothes you had in the closet,
Althoug it is difficult to get rid of this
The need arises to occupy less space,
Cheered up and see the positive side of
Things, because after all in your
Small home you can settle down.
If you often feel the necessity of
Buying stuff then you´re still not
Geared up, so bear these advices
In mind before doing something that
Would put you out of the frying pan
Into the fire.
You are not ready yet if you are
that kind of person
Who always carries everything
but the
Kitchen sink everywhere.
Finally you have to clarify any ideas
That do not make you feel happy, far
From it give up your desiere for
Freedom and everything you
Have put on the line.
Take care of not to burning
The candle at both ends thinking
Too much about it and keep focused
On the big picture!

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