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Report Summary | Eco & Sustainability

Prepared for: Briefing: A short sampling of our content related to this topic.
Your Brand Team Takeaway: In this section your advisor would highlight key themes and patterns from the report, as well as the most prominent megatrends to summarize
Prepared by: the report for your team.
Delivered on: 3/2/22

Top Insights
Upcycled Breakfast Common pre-packaged breakfast foods are made with upcycled ingredients
Trend - The food industry is a major contributor to global waste, and small brands in this space are aiming to cut down on this waste by incorporating upcycled ingredients into common at-home breakfast products,
including everything from pancake mixes to cereals. Insight - As more consumers prioritize sustainability in their consumption choices, they're turning to brands who are authentic in their eco-friendly production choices.
These consumers are seeking out brands that allow them to integrate sustainability principles into their daily habits and routines.

Waste Reduced Food waste-reduction apps help individuals reduce their environmental impact
Trend - As consumers look to reduce their environmental impact, brands are empowering them with apps that help them reduce food waste. Examples include everything from ordering from stores that offer unsold
inventory at a discount, to apps that help users cook in a way that reduces waste. Insight - As the climate crisis worsens, so does consumers' personal guilt about their own impact on the environment. Now, more people in
North America are conscious of their habits and how they impact the world around them, and are altering them to mitigate some of those effects.

Eco Kit Meal kit brands are prioritizing eco-friendly packaging and/or production
Trend - The growing popularity of meal kits has made meal-planning easier for people, but contributes to waste and the release of carbon emissions into the environment. Brands in this space are aiming to reduce their
environmental footprint with things like reusable packaging and carbon-offsetting initiatives. Insight - With most consumers having at least some level of understanding for how the global consumption cycle contributes to
environmental waste, harm and climate change, people are feeling increasingly guilty for the purchases they make that contribute to this cycle. Thus, brands that are able to mitigate even some of their impact are becoming
more appealing to eco-conscious consumers.

Embodied Carbon New building designs consider the environmental cost from start to end-of-life
Trend - Brands in construction are now taking steps to accurately understand the building's environmental impact through an "embodied carbon" lens. Embodied carbon refers to the total carbon footprint of the materials
used throughout the supply chain–from extraction and manufacturing through to the landfill or recycling plant. Insight - In the wake of climate change, information has emerged about the detrimental environmental
impacts of various production and consumption methods. Brands are no longer doing enough by simply taking a product's production into consideration but must consider its end-of-life cycle. Conscious consumers are
now demanding brands identify these blind spots in production to help tackle climate change.

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