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Progressive endurance levels in 5 minutes
• Endurance is the ability to do an activity for a
long time without getting tired.
VERY PERI • To develop endurance, you need to practice.
• The 5-minute endurance race is an example of
an activity which improves endurance.
• You need to time yourself as you practice.
Running through bends at a constant pace
• For most events on the athletics field, athletes
run through curves or bends
• There is need to master running around bends
without reducing speed.
• To run around these bends properly, athletes
must: - use shorter strides; lean into the bend as
they run closer to the inner lane, and drop their
• To improve the skill, the athletes must practice
running around different bends using the tips.
• Hurdles are a race in athletics where athletes run
to clear or run over obstacles with speed.
• In the race , athletes use the same leg to clear the
hurdles throughout the race.
• The leg that the athletes use is called the leading
• The height of hurdles recommended for Grade 7
learners is 76cm for girls and 84cm for boys.
• To practice obstacles clearing, athletes can start
by running over low obstacles.
• Start by walking over the obstacles
• Make sure that the same leg is used to clear the
obstacles all the time.
• Move on to running when you have mastered
walking the obstacles, move on to hurdles for
your age group
The sprint stage focuses on the
body position, arm action and leg
The body position: Keep your body
upright as you look towards the
finishing line.
Arm Action: Relax your hands and
bend your arm at the elbow to form
a right angle. Swing your hands
backwards and forwards across your
hips as you run.
Leg Action: Lift your knees high and
lean forward on the balls of your
feet and push hard stepping with

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