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Special Program

in Sports
Quarter 1 – Module 4:
What I Need to Know
One of the most important reasons to maintain proper form and technique
during physical exercise is to prevent injury. It helps you work out more efficiently
so you can use your energy for the extra push rather than wasted movement.
Using good technique in sports is beneficial because it promotes high performance
and reduces the risk of injury.



1. Discuss on how the technique and forms important in

performing balance, agility, speed, and power.
2. Demonstrate the correctly forms and technique in
performing balance, agility, speed, and power.
3. Evaluate the level of performance trough game and other

What I Know

Direction: Multiple Choice: Read the statement carefully and select the best
answer, write only the letter.

1. A physical activity that is planned structure and repetitive for the

purpose of conditioning any part of the body.
a. Exercise b. technique c. form d. power
2. The quality or state of being physically strong.
a. Agility b. strength c. exercise d. power
3. Is the ability to move quickly and easily.
a. Form b. power c. agility d. exercise
4. A way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or
performance of an artistic work.

a. Form b. strength c. exercise d. technique
5. Is a specific way of performing a movement, often a strength training
exercise, to avoid injury.
a. Form b. technique c. speed d. agility

What’s In


The activities will give you a deeper understanding of the performance

of exercise in building total fitness.

Activity 1. Physical Fitness:

A. Do the following to prepare for the test.

• Review the procedures in conducting the physical fitness test.
• Wear appropriate attire.
• Do the warm up exercises on your own or with your partner.
• Re-orient yourself on the proper execution of the test and
recording of test results.

Activity 2. Explain the following question:

A. How important is physical fitness pre-test?

B. What exercise should beginners start with?
C. How do you prepare your body for exercise?
Give at least five things you should do:

What’s New

Proper technique and forms are combination of body stability and mobility in
the respective appropriate areas. If everything is “loosey goosey” your technique
and form will fall apart and if everything is rigid your movement will be unnecessary

Mastering and continual learning of proper forms and technique are essential to
keeping exercise within safe physical limits, benefits include:

a. Reduce risk for injury (including muscle tears, joint damage, sprains and strains).
b. Proper focus on targeted muscles group, improper forms tend to veer work
away from targeted muscles group.
c. Helps with applying maximal tensions for optimal results for said muscles group.
d. Optimize time for designated for each work out.

A. Activity 1

1. What are the advantages of using proper technique and form in physical

What is It

Form is a specific way of performing a movement,often a strength

training exercise, to avoid injury,prevent cheating and increase strength.

Technique is the way you perform an exercise in order to target specific

muscle group. For example, bench pressing with a close grip or wide grip are types
of technique used to target diffirent muscles in your chest. Form is all about injury


The first exercise to begin with when attempting to improve your balance is the
weight shift. This is exactly what it sounds like - shifting your weight from one foot
to the other.
• Stand with your feet one hip width apart. Try to distribute your weight
evenly over both feet.
• Now, shift your weight so that you are balancing on your right foot only
and lift your left foot just slightly off the floor.
• Hold this position - balancing on one foot - for as long as you can while
remaining steady. Aim to reach 30 seconds.
• Lower your left leg and stand on both feet again. Now repeat the exercise,
this time balancing on your left foot.
Repeat 3 or 4 times on each leg, and practice the exercise every day until you can
easily balance for 30 seconds on each leg.

This exercise is the natural progression from the weight shifting exercise.[2] It is
performed in the exact same way, except this time:
• When you balance on your right foot, lift your left leg and bend it
backwards at the knee. Try to hold for 30 seconds, before repeating on
the other leg.
• If you want to make this exercise more challenging, consider balancing on
a pillow or thick rug - this provides more of an unstable surface and
makes balancing more difficult.

This exercise tests your ability to walk in a straight line without wobbling or losing
your balance. If practiced on a daily basis, it can help with your coordination and
allow you to improve your balance.
• Find a straight line on the ground. It could be the crack between the tiles
in your kitchen, or a painted line in a children's playground. You could
even make your own using a length of sticky tape.
• Now try to walk along the line, one front in front of the other, without falling
sideways. The first couple of times you can extend your arms out to the
sides (like airplane wings) to help you balance.
• Next try doing it with your arms pinned to your sides. And once you've
mastered that, try walking backwards. Finally, try walking along the line
with your eyes closed - tricky, but not impossible!


Start doing ladder drills. There are several types of ladder drills. All versions
help with foot-eye coordination, quickness and overall agility. Incorporate a
variety of these drills into your workouts to help improve your agility.

• There are a few types of ladders that you can use for these drills. You can
buy a ladder designed for agility training or even make your own ladder
by spray painting the grass or laying out wooden dowels on the grass.
• You can try doing side shuffles. Place both feet in the first box of the
ladder. Step your right foot out into the next box. A fast as you can keep
shuffling your feet together and then stepping to the side for the next box.
• Do high knee jumps with the ladder. Run through the ladder only allowing
one foot in each box. As you run, lift your knees up to your chest.
• You can also go through a ladder drill on your hands. Get down into a
push-up position with your hands in two adjacent boxes. Shuffle your
body down the ladder with your hands.


Begin your workout. Warm up by walking or slowly jogging for five minutes. This
should wake up your muscles and help stretch out your legs to prepare for the
interval training. Interval training teaches your body to use oxygen more efficiently,
improving both your running speed and your overall endurance.

Run at a moderate pace for fifteen minutes. Run at a pace that isn’t too
difficult but keeps your heart rate up. Aim for 70-80% of your fastest running
• Don’t push yourself too hard. This part of the workout isn’t supposed to
wear you out. Instead, you’re trying to get your heart rate up so your
body starts absorbing oxygen more efficiently.

Begin the interval training. This is the part of the exercise that improves your
endurance and builds muscle. Run for one minute at your maximum speed,
working hard to bring up your heart rate and exhaust your muscles. Then walk
for two minutes, letting your muscles cool down.
• Push yourself as hard as you can during the one minute of running.
Interval training doesn’t work properly if you don’t totally exhaust your
muscles. This is called “going into the anaerobic zone,” or exercising the
point where you’re literally gasping for breath.
• Try to time yourself so that you run for exactly a minute and rest for
exactly two minutes. It can be helpful to use a timer app on your phone or
to purchase a stopwatch.

Cool down. Walk for another five minutes, keeping your pace brisk enough to
work out your muscles but slow enough to lower your heart rate. By this point, you
should be surprisingly exhausted for such a short workout. If not, you need to raise
your heart rate more during the interval training.


This is how to do a basic burpee.

• Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with your entire body weight aligned
over your heels, and your arms hanging loosely by your sides.
• Drive your hips back (like you are about to sit on a chair), bend your
knees, and lower your body into a (nearly) full squat.
• Plant your hands on the floor, right in front of your feet and shift your
weight onto your hands.
• Hop your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in a plank
• Do one push-up.
• Hop your feet back up to your hands and shift your weight onto your feet.
• Stand up while reaching your arms over your head and then jump up into
the air.
• Land softly and immediately start the movement again from the beginning.

What’s More

Proper technique is essential to reaching your goals. It makes

sure you don’t hurt yourself while getting the most out of the exercises you do.
Technique and form are two totally different things. Technique is the way you
perform an exercise in order to target specific muscle groups. Form is all about
injury prevention.

A. What happen if you do exercise wrong?


A. What are the five ways to prevent exercise:


B. What is the diffirence between form and technique?

What I Have Learned

Proper technique is essential to reaching your goals. It makes sure you
don’t hurt yourself while getting the most out of the exercises you do.


A. Why is good technique and form important in physical

B. What is the diffirence between form and technique?

What can I do?

Activity 1 Paper and pen Test

Identification: Choose the correct answer on the table.Write in the blank space
before the number.

technique exercise balance agility speed

power strength form

______1. Is physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive for
the purpose of conditioning any part of the body.
______2. A way of carrying out a particular task,especially the execution
or performance of an artistic work.
______3. Is the ability to move quickly and easily.
______4. Define as being able to remain upright and walk gracefully.
______5. Is a scalar quantity that refers to “ how fast and object is moving.
______6. Is the ability to exert effort.
______7. The quality or state of being physically strong.
______8. Is a specific way of performing a movement, often a strength
training exercise, to avoid injury.


Identify which of the activities below is BALANCE,AGILITY,SPEED,and

POWER. Write your answer before the number.

_______ 1. Do one push up.

_______ 2. Plant your hands on the floor, right in front of your feet
and shift your weight onto your hands
_______ 3. Run at a moderate pace for fifteen minutes.
_______ 4.Begin your work out.
______ 5. As you run, lift your knees up to your chest.
______ 6. Do high knee jumps with ladder.
______ 7. step your right foot out into the next box( fast as you can).
______ 8. try walking along the line with eyes closed.
______ 9. Standing with your weight on one leg and raising the other
leg to the side or behind you.
______ 10.Stand with your feet one hip width apart try to distribute
your weight evenly over both feet.

Additional Activities
This activity will clarify what is expected of you in terms of products and
performance and how these shall be assessed and rated at the end of the lesson.

Direction: Invite your family or friends near you to have an physical exercise every
morning and create a journal for you to write the daily activities and also take
pictures with the short description (caption) on each picture.

A. Answers may vary
B. Answers may vary
C. Answers may vary
A. Form and Techniques does
matter, especially when doing any
strength training exercise.
B. Five ways to prevent exercises:
1. Start slowly and increase
2. Warm-up before exercise WHAT’S IN:
3. Don’t work out on empty A. The most important of physical fitness
is to establish the strength and
4. Dress for your sports.
weaknesses of the athlete. The done
5. Listen to your body
by comparing fitness test result to
other athletes in the same training
B. Simply start your workout with some
aerobics exercises like arm swing, leg
kicks, and walking lunges. Alternately,
you can warm up by doing easy
WHAT’S NEW movements of the exercise you are
Activity 1: planning to do.
1. Proper form and technique C. Five things you should do:
helps you work out more 1. Keep well hydrated
efficiently so you can use your 2. Make sure you consume the
energy for the extra push recommended salt intake the night
rather than wasted movement. before or during the day to compensate
for sweating.
3. Wear loose fitting and lightweight
What I Know: clothing.
1. a 4. Exercise in the cooler times of day
2.b (before 9am and After 4pm).
3. c 5. Preform shorter warm ups and warm
4. d
5. a
Answers Key
1. Exercise
2. Technique
3. Agility
4. Balance
5. Speed
6. Power
7. Strength
8. Form
Activity 1: 1. power
1. exercise 5. speed 2. power
2. techniques 6. power 3. speed
3. agility 7. strength 4. speed
4. balance 8. form 5. agility
6. agility
Day 2: 7. agility
1. be aware of your body 8. balance
2. warm up & cool down 9. balance
3. pace yourself 10. balance
4. mix it up
5. strap or tape
6. stay hydrated
7. be weather aware
8. do it right

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