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• Paper
• Coloring materials
• Other available materials that can be used
for the animal’s habitat (i.e. natural
materials, sticks, stones, leaves, string,
scrap wood, etc.)
• Scissors
• Glue (if using other materials)
“Today we are going to draw.
Imagine you’re (in your home, in the
city or in the mountains, a garden, or
forest), and you come upon an
animal that makes you feel comfort
and safe.
What would that animal be?
(on a typewriting, paper or notebook)
Draw the animal that
makes you feel safe,
and give it a name.
(5-7 minutes)
Draw a habitat for your safe
animal –
Where will the animal live?
Be creative (i.e. a fish living in a house, a horse
living in the ocean, etc.)
Sharing of one’s artwork
with the class.
Now we are going to pretend we are in a forest, and we are
“your” animals. Stand in a circle, then begin to walk (like a
train formation) and then ask one learner to begin making
the sound of his / her animal, and as everyone walks, they
copy this sound (e.g. barking like a dog, and acting like one
- with one on two paws up), and after the whole class has
done this for about 10 - 15 seconds, the next learner can
lead the class in the sound of his or her animal with a
corresponding action
What is the importance of safety?
What steps you take when you don’t
feel safe / not comfortable in your
body or in the environment.
To make or feel safe, you can go
to the place where you think it is
safe and you feel comfortable.
Ask help from an adult whom
you can trust and tell or share
what do you feel.
1. You’ve discussed safety with their child.
2. Ask them to reinforce the message that their learner
must ask for help from an adult they can trust, when
they feel unsafe in their bodies or in their environment.
3. Help them identify names of people they feel they
4. With their child, ask them to list these names down
and post them and their contact information on the
wall somewhere in the home where the learner can see

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