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A Student Prayer
Father, I have knowledge,
So will you show me now
How to use it wisely.
And find a way somehow.
To make the world I live in,
A little better place.
And make life with it’s problems
A bit easier to face.
Grant me faith and courage,
And put purpose in my days
Show me how to serve Thee
In the most effective way.
So all my education,
My knowledge and my skills
May find their true fulfillment
As I learn to do thy will.
And may I  ever be aware,
In everything I do.
That knowledge comes from learning
And wisdom comes from you.
Lesson 3: Body

Balance is the body’s
ability to spread weight
equally while in position
or moving without falling

Having a balance is important in doing our daily
tasks. It allows us to perform them correctly and
easily. It also helps us avoid injuries and accidents.

▪ We can achieve
body balance if we
know how to
transfer weight or
shift heaviness
from one part of the
body to another.

Let us try this. Transfer the weight
of your body to your feet.
Step 1: Stand straight and keep your
feet together.
Step 2: Move your right food
sideward, away from your left foot.
Align your shoulders and feet.

Transferring weight is shifting the
weight from one part of the body to
another. It involves good balance and
the successful transfer of the center of
the gravity.

The activities below help improve

1. Standing on one foot with the other foot

resting on a chair
2. Playing hopscotch
3. Standing on a balance board
4. Walking on a imaginary balance beam

Bring the attention of your audience over a
key concept using icons or illustrations

Walking and running are activities that
require the transfer of weight. The weight
is transferred from one foot to the other. 

The transfer of weight also happens when

you move in place, such as when
changing from a standing position to a
sitting position. In this case, the weight is
shifted from feet to the buttocks. 


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