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Data Preprocessing

Managing Data with R

• One of the challenges faced while working
with massive datasets involves gathering,
preparing, and otherwise managing data from
a variety of sources.
Saving, loading, and removing R
• To save a data structure to a file that can be
reloaded later or transferred to another
system, use the save() function.
• The save() function writes one or more R data
structures to the location specified by the file
• Suppose you have three objects named x, y,
and z that you would like to save in a
• permanent file.
> save(x, y, z, file = "mydata.RData")
• The load() command can recreate any data
structures that have been saved to an .RData
file. To load the mydata.RData file we saved in
the preceding code, simply type:
> load("mydata.RData")
• After working on an R session for sometime,
you may have accumulated a number of data
• The ls() listing function returns a vector of all
the data structures currently in the memory.
> ls()
[1] "blood" "flu_status" "gender" "m"
[5] "pt_data" "subject_name" "subject1"
[9] "temperature"
• R will automatically remove these from its memory upon
quitting the session, but for large data structures, you may
want to free up the memory sooner.
• The rm() remove function can be used for this purpose. For
example, to eliminate the m and subject1 objects, simply
> rm(m, subject1)
• The rm() function can also be supplied with a character vector
of the object names to be removed. This works with the ls()
function to clear the entire R session:
> rm(list=ls())
Importing and saving data from
CSV files
• The most common tabular text file format is
the CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file,
which as the name suggests, uses the comma
as a delimiter.
• The CSV files can be imported to and
exported from many common applications. A
CSV file representing the medical dataset
constructed previously could be stored as:
• John Doe,98.1,FALSE,MALE,O
• Jane Doe,98.6,FALSE,FEMALE,AB
• Steve Graves,101.4,TRUE,MALE,A
• Given a patient data file named pt_data.csv
located in the R working directory, the
read.csv() function can be used as follows to
load the file into R:
> pt_data <- read.csv("pt_data.csv",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
• By default, R assumes that the CSV file includes a
header line listing the names of the features in
the dataset.
• If a CSV file does not have a header, specify the
optionheader = FALSE, as shown in the following
command, and R will assign default
• feature names in the V1 and V2 forms and so on:
> mydata <- read.csv("mydata.csv",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
• To save a data frame to a CSV file, use the
write.csv() function. If your data frame is
named pt_data, simply enter:
> write.csv(pt_data, file = "pt_data.csv",
row.names = FALSE)
Exploring and understanding data
• After collecting data and loading it into R's
data structures, the next step in the machine
learning process involves examining the data
in detail.
• We will explore the usedcars.csv dataset,
which contains actual data about used cars.
• Since the dataset is stored in the CSV form, we
can use the read.csv() function to load the
data into an R data frame:
> usedcars <- read.csv("usedcars.csv",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Exploring the structure of data
• One of the first questions to ask is how the
dataset is organized.
• The str() function provides a method to
display the structure of R data structures such
as data frames, vectors, or lists. It can be used
to create the basic outline for our data
> str(usedcars)
• Using such a simple command, we learn a
wealth of information about the dataset.
Exploring numeric variables
• To investigate the numeric variables in the
used car data, we will employ a common set
of measurements to describe values known as
summary statistics.
• The summary() function displays several
common summary statistics. Let's take a look
at a single feature, year:
> summary(usedcars$year)
• We can also use the summary() function to
obtain summary statistics for several numeric
variables at the same time:
> summary(usedcars[c("price", "mileage")])
Measuring the central tendency –
mean and median
• Measures of central tendency are a class of
statistics used to identify a value that falls in
the middle of a set of data.
• You most likely are already familiar with one
common measure of center: the average. In
common use, when something is deemed
average, it falls somewhere between the
extreme ends of the scale.
• R also provides a mean() function, which
calculates the mean for a vector of numbers:
> mean(c(36000, 44000, 56000))
[1] 45333.33
• summary() output listed mean values for the
price and mileage variables. The means
suggest that the typical used car in this
dataset was listed at a price of $12,962 and
had an mileage of 44,261.
• Another commonly used measure of central
tendency is the median, which is the value
that occurs halfway through an ordered list of
• As with the mean, R provides a median()
function, which we can apply to our salary
data, as shown in the following example:
> median(c(36000, 44000, 56000))
[1] 44000
Measuring spread – quartiles and
the five-number
• To measure the diversity, we need to employ another
type of summary statistics that is concerned with the
spread of data, or how tightly or loosely the values
are spaced.
• The five-number summary is a set of five statistics
that roughly depict the spread of a feature's values.
1. Minimum (Min.)
2. First quartile, or Q1 (1st Qu.)
3. Median, or Q2 (Median)
4. Third quartile, or Q3 (3rd Qu.)
5. Maximum (Max.)
• Minimum and maximum are the most
extreme feature values, indicating the smallest
and largest values, respectively.
• R provides the min() and max() functions to
calculate these values on a vector of data.
• In R, range() function returns both the
minimum and maximum value.
• Combining range() with the diff() difference
function allows you to examine the range of
> diff(range(usedcars$price))
• The quartiles divide a dataset into four
• The seq() function is used to generate vectors
of evenly-spaced values. This makes it easy to
obtain other slices of data, such as the
quintiles (five groups), as shown in
• the following command:
• > quantile(usedcars$price, seq(from = 0, to =
1, by = 0.20))
• 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
• 3800.0 10759.4 12993.8 13992.0 14999.0
Exploring categorical variables
• The used car dataset had three categorical
variables: model, color, and transmission.
• Additionally, we might consider treating the
year variable as categorical; although it has
been loaded as a numeric (int) type vector,
each year is a category that could apply to
multiple cars.
• A table that presents a single categorical
variable is known as a one-way table.
• The table() function can be used to generate
one-way tables for our used car data.
> table(usedcars$year)
> table(usedcars$model)
> table(usedcars$color)
• The table() output lists the categories of the
nominal variable and a count of the number of
values falling into this category.
• R can also perform the calculation of table
proportions directly, by using the prop.table()
command on a table produced by the table()
model_table <- table(usedcars$model)
• The results of prop.table() can be combined
with other R functions to transform the
> color_pct <- table(usedcars$color)
> color_pct <- prop.table(color_pct) * 100
> round(color_pct, digits = 1)
Exploring relationships between
• So far, we have examined variables one at a
time, calculating only univariate statistics.
• bivariate relationships, which consider the
relationship between two variables.
• Relationships of more than two variables are
called multivariate relationships.
Data preprocessing
• Data preprocessing is the initial phase of
Machine Learning where data is prepared for
machine learning models.
Steps in Data Preprocessing
• Step 1: Importing the Dataset
• Step 2: Handling the Missing Data
• Step 3: Encoding Categorical Data.
• Step 4: Splitting the Dataset into the Training
and Test sets
• Training set
• Test set
• Step 5: Feature Scaling
• training_set
• test_set
Step 1: Importing the dataset
• Here is how to achieve this.
Dataset = read_csv('data.csv')
• This code imports our data stored in CSV
• We can have a look at our data using the
‘view()’ function:
Step 2: Handling the missing data
• Before implementing our machine learning
models, this problem needs to be solved,
otherwise it will cause a serious problem to
our machine learning models. Therefore, it’s
our responsibility to ensure this missing data is
eliminated from our dataset using the most
appropriate technique.
• Here are two techniques we can use to handle missing data:
1.Delete the observation reporting the missing data:This technique is
suitable when dealing with big datasets and with very few missing values i.e.
deleting one row from a dataset with thousands of observations can not
affect the quality of the data.
When the dataset reports many missing values, it can be very dangerous to
use this technique. Deleting many rows from a dataset can lead to the loss of
crucial information contained in the data.

To ensure this does not happen, we make use of an appropriate technique

that has no harm to the quality of the data.
• Replace the missing data with the average of
the feature in which the data is missing:
• This technique is the best way so far to deal
with the missing values. Many statisticians
make use of this technique over that of the
first one.
Dataset$Age = ifelse($Age),
ave(Dataset$Age, FUN = function (x)mean(x,
na.rm = TRUE)),Dataset$Age)
• What does the code above really do?
• Dataset$Age: simply take the Age column
from our dataset.
• In the Age column, we’ve just taken that from our data set, we
need to replace the missing data, and at the same time keep
the data that is not missing.
• This objective is achieved by the use of the if-else statement.
Our ifelse statement is taking three parameters:
• The first parameter is if the condition is true.
• The second parameter is the value we input if the condition is
• The third parameter is the action we take if the condition is
Our condition is$Age)
• This will tell us if a value in the Dataset$Age is
missing or not. It returns a logical output, YES
if a value is missing and NO if a value is not
• The second parameter, the ‘ave()’ function,
finds the mean of the Age column.
• Because this column reports NA values, we
need to exclude the null data in the calculation
of the mean, otherwise we shall obtain the
mean as NA.
• This is the reason we pass na.rm = TRUE in our
mean function just as to declare those values
that should be used and those should be
excluded when calculating the mean of the
vector Age.
• The third condition is the value that will be
returned if the value in the Age column of the
dataset is not missing.
• The missing value that was in the Age column
of our data set has successfully been replaced
with the mean of the same column.
• We do the same for the Salary column.
Step 3: Encoding categorical data
• Encoding refers to transforming text data into numeric data.
Encoding Categorical data simply means we are transforming
data that fall into categories into numeric data.

• In our dataset, the Country column is Categorical data with 3

levels i.e. France, Spain, and Germany. The purchased column
is Categorical data as well with 2 categories, i.e. YES and NO.

• The machine models we built on our dataset are based on

mathematical equations and it’s only take numbers in those
• To transform a categorical variable into
numeric, we use the factor() function.
• Let start by encoding the Country column.

Dataset$Country = factor(Dataset$Country,
levels = c('France','Spain','Germany'), labels =
c(1.0, 2.0 , 3.0 ))

We do the same for the purchased column.

Step 4: Splitting the dataset into
the training and test set
• In machine learning, we split data into two
• Training set: The part of the data that we
implement our machine learning model on.
• Test set: The part of the data that we evaluate
the performance of our machine learning
model on.
• library(caTools)# required library for data
• set.seed(123)
• split = sample.split(Dataset$Purchased,
SplitRatio = 0.8)# returns true if observation
goes to the Training set and false if
observation goes to the test set.
• #Creating the training set and test set
• training_set = subset(Dataset, split == TRUE)
• test_set = subset(Dataset, split == FALSE)
• training_set
• test_set
Step 5: Feature scaling
• It’s a common case that in most datasets,
features also known as inputs, are not on the
same scale. Many machine learning models
are Euclidian distant-based.
• It happens that, the features with the large
units dominate those with small units when it
comes to calculation of the Euclidian distance
and it will be as if those features with small
units do not exist.
• To ensure this does not occur, we need to encode our
features so that they all fall in the range between -3
and 3. There are several ways we can use to scale our
features. The most used one is the standardization
and normalization technique.

• The normalization technique is used when the data is

normally distributed while standardization works
with both normally distributed and the data that is
not normally distributed.
• The formula for these two techniques is shown
• training_set[, 2:3] = scale(training_set[, 2:3])
• test_set[, 2:3] = scale(test_set[, 2:3])
• training_set
• test_set
If we fail to do so, R will show us an error such as:
• training_set = scale(training_set)# returns an error
• The reason is that our encoded columns are not
treated as numeric entries.

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