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Human Resource Management System

Presented By:
Nikhil Kumar (2100680110032)
Akshat Agarwal (2100680110004)

Under the Guidance of:

Supervisor Name (Designation)

Department of Information Technology

Meerut Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut (U.P.)
Presentation Outlines

 Introduction
 Problem Statement
 Objectives of the study
 Methodology
 DFD/Flow chart related to study
 Hardware & Software to be used
 References

 The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a

requirement of many organisations because it helps in the
strategic approach to the effective management of people
in a organization such that they help their business gain a
competitive advantage.
 It is design to maximize employee performance in service
of an employer’s strategic objectives.

 The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is also

a requirement of Armed Forces and to met there all requirements
Army Design Bureau had announced to develop such system
in Compendium Problem Definition Statements 2020.
Problem Statement

 The Armed Forces looking for a system where necessary

information of millions of serving personals are provided
such as pay slips, allowance allocated, served areas or units
and their training or courses related information which helps
to maximize there performance.
 This system also helps in Armed Forces on unit levels to
analyse the particular personal on behalf of his/her training
or courses to make that unit more efficient at work.
Problem Statement

 Problem statement section should contain 1 slide.

Objectives of the study

 Objectives of the study section should contain 1 slide  (only in

BULLET POINTS - no paragraph)

 Methodology section should contain 2-3 slides.

DFD/Flow chart of the study

 The number of slides in the section depends on your study.

Hardware/Software to be used

 Hardware/Software section should contain 1 slide.


 Reference section should contain 1-2 slides.

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