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Aiza is the grandmother of Aida

Answer: Option D. This is an alternating number of subtraction

series. First, 1 is subtracted, then 2 is added
Answer: D. Book. Rest are all parts of a book.
Answer: D. Biased. The others signify honesty.
Answer: B. Guard
- comes from the word “LOGOS”,
which means “REASON”. It is
concerned with the methods and rules for
correct thinking.
- another branch of Philosophy that
focuses on the human mind
- the traditional study of logic can be
traced back to the ancient Greek
philosopher, Aristotle, who is called the
“Father of Logic”, for having the first
recorded study of the subject.
ORAGON – TOOL – an instrument that
the mind utilizes in order to arrive at the Truth.
•Logic, as an ART, on one hand, direct
reason. As an ART it guides man’s reason so
that he can proceed with order and precision
in the search for meaning.
•Logic as a SCIENCE, on the other
hand, “investigates, discovers,
expresses, systematizes, demonstrates,
and explains the laws of correct
1. INDUCTIVE METHOD – where we can
obtain universal knowledge by considering
the particular things.


proceed from universal knowledge to
particular cases.
1. Material Logic – this focuses on the study of
the main philosophical problems taken up in logic
such as problems of the universals, abstraction, or
2.Formal Logic – this is centered on the
operation of the mind from the point of view of
correct thinking.
Acts/Processes of the Mind

• Simple Apprehension
• Judging/Judgment
• Reasoning
It is the basic operation of the mind or
“the mental process by which we grasp the
general meaning of the thing without affirming
or denying anything about it”.
It is the act of the mind by which we
compare two, concepts, either they agree or
not. If we put concepts together, the end
result is called judgment or proposition.

Its result is the PROPOSITION.

Is the act of mind by which we derive new
truths from previously assumed truth. The mind
combines several judgments or propositions in
order to arrive at a previously unknown
judgment, it is called syllogism.
Levels of Expressions

• Term

• Proposition
• Inference
A term is a word that denotes a
particular object. By denoting a term
brings us an object or idea.
Types of TERM

• Simple and Complex

• Significant and Non-Significant
• Distributive and Collective
• Univocal, Equivocal and Analogical
• Contrary and Contradictory
Simple and Complex
•Simple – when the term used consists of a
word, for instance “Jesus” such is called a
simple term.
•Complex – composed of many term but
standing one idea. Example, The lady in red
walking down the street.
Significant and Non-Significant
•Significant – when a term is used to
directly express a concept, it is called a
significant term.
•Non-Significant – when it is not
points directly to the nature of a thing..
Distributive and Collective

•Distributive – a term is distributive when it

shows the essence of entities singularity.

•Collective – a term is collective when it

shows the essence of entities as a group.
Univocal, Equivocal and
•Univocal – a term is said to be univocal when
it has the same meaning.
•Equivocal – a term is said to be equivocal
when it is used in entirely different sense.
•Analogical – a term is said to be analogical
when it is used in distinct but related senses..
Contrary and Contradictory

•Contrary – terms are ones that represent two

extremes of the same genus.

•Contradictory – terms are ones that are

totally opposed to each other.

A Proposition is a sentence in which the

subject and predicate are combined in order to
state something as true or false. A Proposition
therefore either affirms or denies.
“Only men of any age should give away their seats when women are
inside a moving vehicle.”
The valid Propositional sentence excludes
the Exclamatory, Interrogative, and the Imperative.

• Exclamatory Sentence – express emotions.

Example: Give me liberty or give me death!
• Interrogative Sentence – ask questions.
Example: Am I my brother’s keeper?

• Imperative Sentence – give orders.

Example: Send this Order to the Mayor.
Parts of the Propositions
•Subject – is about which something is
affirmed or denied.
•Predicate – is what affirmed or denied to
the subject.
•Copula – is either is (am, are) if
affirmative or is not (am not, are not) if
Types of the Proposition

• Singular
• Particular

• Universality
Singular (5 signs)

 Proper nouns
 Demonstrative

 Article “THE”

Nouns modified by adjective in

superlative degree
 Personal Pronoun
Particular (4 signs)

 Indefinite Pronouns
 Article “A” and “AN”
General Proposition
 Use of numbers
Universality (3 signs)

 Universal idea
 Universal expression
 Article a, an, and the
Classification of Proposition

Positive Negative

Universal or

The symbols A, E, I, O indicate the

classification of categorical proposition on
the basis of quantity and quality.
Inference is a process by which
the mind draws new knowledge or insight
from any given proposition or a set of
proposition. Inference must follow the valid
sequence of premises.
Types of Inference
 Immediate Inference – when there is no
intermediary in deriving an opposite insight.

 Mediate Inference – for instance the

categorical syllogism, when there is an
intermediary, i.e. . Middle term.
When we think logically,
we free our minds from
our own biases, and
recognize other

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