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2 Focus: Basics and Standard Tools

 Solving network problems depends a lot on your understanding

 Simple tools can tell you what you need to know
 Example: ping is incredibly useful!

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3 Identify the Symptoms and
 Ask questions
 Answers help identify network problem symptoms
 Avoid jumping to conclusions about symptoms
 Pay attention
 Users, system and network behaviors, and error messages
 Treat each symptom uniquely

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4 Identify the Affected Area

 Determine affected area and group

 One user or workstation?
 An office?
 A department?
 One location within a building?
 An entire building?

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5 Identify the Affected Area
 Narrow down time frame
 When did the problem begin?
 Has the network, server, or workstation ever worked properly?
 Did the symptoms appear in the last hour or day?
 Have the symptoms appeared intermittently for a long time?
 Do the symptoms appear only at certain times of the day?
 Benefits
 Eliminates some causes; points to other

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6 Identify the Affected Area
 Take time to troubleshoot correctly
 Ask specific questions
 Identify problem scope

 Filter unrelated user information

 Discover time and frequency of problem
 May reveal more subtle network problems
 Identify affected problem area
 Leads to next troubleshooting steps

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7 Determine What Has Changed

 Become aware of recent network changes

 Ask questions pinpointing problem resulting from network change
 Possible actions if change generated problem
 Correct problem
 Reverse change
 Less risky, less time consuming

 Network change records

 Track what has changed
 Make records available to staff members

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8 Establish the Most Probable Cause

 Close to determining problem cause

 Verify user competency
 Ensure human error is not problem source
 Verify user is performing network tasks correctly
 Watch
 Observe

 Results
 Catch user-generated mistakes
 Gain clues for further troubleshooting

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9 Establish the Most Probable Cause
 Verify Physical layer connectivity
 Half of all network problems occur at Physical layer
 Symptoms of Physical layer problems
 Segment, network lengths exceed standards
 Noise
 Improper terminations, faulty connectors, loose connectors, poorly
crimped connections
 Damaged cables
 Faulty NICs
 Software errors may point to physical connectivity problem

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10 Connectivity Testing: Cabling

 Label cables clearly at each end

 Cable testers
 ensure wired correctly, check:
 attenuation
 length — is it too long?
 100BaseT: less than 100m

 Is the activity light on the interface blinking?

 Proper cable label removes a lot of stress later

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11 Establish the Most Probable Cause
 Verify Physical layer connectivity (cont’d.)
 Diagnosing Physical layer Problems
 Ask questions
 Verify connections between devices
 Verify soundness of connection hardware

 Swapping equipment: tests theories

 Exchange faulty component for functional one
 Change patch cable
 Better option: build in redundancy

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12 Establish the Most Probable Cause
 Verify logical connectivity
 Review questions identifying logical connectivity problem
 Logical connectivity problems more difficult to isolate, resolve than
physical connectivity problems
 Software-based causes
 Resource conflicts with NICs configuration
 Improperly configured NIC
 Improperly installed, configured client software
 Improperly installed, configured network protocols, services
 Not up to date browser, antivirus

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13 Troubleshooting
 Avoid it by:
 redundancy
 documentation
 training
 Try quick fixes first
 simple problems often have big effects:
 is the power on? is the WiFi powered on?
 is the network cable plugged into the right socket? Is LED flashing?
 has anything changed recently?
 Change only one thing at a time
 test thoroughly after the change
 Be familiar with the system
 maintain documentation
 Be familiar with your tools
 Advanced Network Troubleshooting
before trouble strikes September 28,
14 Troubleshooting: Learn as you go

 Study and be familiar with the normal behaviour

of your network
 Monitoring tools can tell you when things are wrong
(cacti, mrtg, syslog)
 if you know what things look like when they are right
 Using tools such as Ethereal/Wireshark can help you
 your network, and
 TCP/IP — better

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 28, 202

15 Purchasing Equipment
Better to:
spend enough for the short term (one or two years) or “invest for
the long term?”
Moore’s Law: exponential growth in “bang for the buck”
Maintenance costs more for older equipment
Count all the costs
Conclusion: often (but not always), getting cheaper equipment to
cover needs for the next two years will save money
Buying excess capacity can waste a lot of money

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 28, 202

16 Host Network Configuration tools

 ps/tasklist — information about processes

 top/taskmanager — dynamic information about
 netstat — show connections and services, routing
 lsof — list open files
 Ifconfig/ipconfig — shows and changes network
 route — shows, changes routing table
 ip — show, change, set network configuration
 arp — shows MAC addresses
 Nmap/zenmap — portscanner: shows open ports
 Taskkill – kill a running task with a specified id

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 28,

Using ps to See If Server Running

 Is the network service running on the server?

 Is the web server running?
 ps aux | grep httpd
 Is the DHCP server running?
 ps aux | grep dhcpd
 Is the directory server running?
 ps aux | grep slapd
 Windows: use the task manager

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 28, 202

18 Using top to See Resource Hogs

 The program top shows:

 load average (the average number of processes that are ready to run,
but for which no CPU is available)
 a load average of 4 or more is “quite high”

 processes that use the most resources

 Task manager in Windows

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

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19 Using netstat –tua to See Network
 netstat –tua shows all network connections,
including those listening
 netstat –tu shows only connections that are
 netstat –i is like ifconfig, shows info and
stats about each interface
 netstat –nr shows the routing table, like
route –n
 Windows provides netstat also.

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20 lsof: List Open Files
 An amazingly useful tool
 Available for almost any Unix system
 lsof –i shows output to Internet files, but won’t
show connections that have terminated
 Can monitor progress of an FTP transfer, many, many
other applications
 Apparently, no equivalent tool available on Windows.

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

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21 ifconfig

 ifconfig eth0 — show stats on network interface eth0

 sudo ifconfig lo — configure the loopback
interface, start it up
 sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask — configure eth0 with IP address
 ifconfig — show all configured network interfaces
 ifconfig –a — show all interfaces, including those not
configured yet.

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

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22 route

 route –n — print routing table

 route add — add a route to localhost;
 should have been done automatically when created device with
 route add –net — add a route to the
eth0 configured on previous slide
 should have been done automatically by ifconfig
 route add gw —
add a static route to network through router
 route add default gw — add a
default route to through eth0

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23 Software tools: ping

 Most useful check of connectivity

 Universal
 If ping hostname, includes a rough check of DNS
 Sends an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
 Waits for an ICMP ECHO_REPLY
 Most pings can display round trip time
 Most pings can allow setting size of packet
 Can use to make a crude measurement of throughput
 Ping –l 100/1000

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24 ping: Roughly Estimating Throughput

 Example:
 ping with packet size = 100 bytes, round-trip time =
 ping with packet size = 1100 bytes, round-trip time =
 So takes 30ms extra (15ms one way) to send
additional 1000 bytes, or 8000 bits
 Throughput is roughly 8000 bits per 15ms, or about
540,000 bits per second
 A very crude measurement: no account for other
traffic, treats all links on path, there and back, as one.

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25 What ping Result is Good, Bad?

 A steady stream of consistent replies indicates

probably okay
 Usually first reply takes longer due to ARP lookups at
each router
 After that, ARP results are cached
 ICMP error messages can help understand results:
 Destination Network Unreachable indicates the host doing
ping cannot reach the network
 Destination Host Unreachable may come from routers
further away

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26 How to Use ping?

 Ensure local host networking is enabled first:

ping localhost, local IP address
 ping a known host on local network
 ping local and remote interfaces on router
 ping by IP as well as by hostname if hostname
ping fails
 confirm DNS with dig (or nslookup) — see later
 Ping from more than one host

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27 arping: uses ARP requests

 Limited to local network

 Can work with MAC or IP addresses
 use to probe for ARP entries in router (very useful!)
 packet filtering
 can block ICMP pings, but
 won't block ARP requests

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28 Path Discovery: traceroute

 Sends UDP packets

 (Microsoft tracert sends ICMP packets)
 increments Time to Live (TTL) in IP packet header
 Sends three packets at each TTL
 records round trip time for each
 increases TTL until enough to reach destination

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29 traceroute: How it Works

 As IP packets pass through each router, TTL

in IP header is decremented
 Packet is discarded when TTL decrements to
message back to traceroute host
 When UPD packet reaches destination, gets
uses an unused high UDP port

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30 traceroute Limitations

 Each router has a number of IP addresses

 but traceroute only shows the one it used
 get different addresses when run traceroute
from other end
 sometimes route is asymmetric
 router may be configured to not send ICMP
 get stars: * instead of round-trip time in traceroute

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31 Performance Measurements: delay

 Three sources of delay:

 transmission delay — time to put signal
onto cable or media
 depends on transmission rate and size of frame
 propagation delay — time for signal to
travel across the media
 determined by type of media and distance
 queuing delay — time spent waiting for
retransmission in a router

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32 Performance Measurements

 bandwidth — the transmission rate through

the link
 relates to transmission time
 throughput — amount of data that can be
sent over link in given time
 relates to all causes of delay
 is not the same as bandwidth
 Other measurements needed
 i.e., for quality of service for multimedia

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33 Traffic Measurements: netstat -i

 The netstat program can show statistics about network interfaces

 Linux netstat shows lost packets in three categories:
 errors,
 drops (queue full: shouldn’t happen!)
 overruns (last data overwritten by new data before old data was read:
shouldn’t happen!)
 drops and overruns indicate faulty flow control — bad!
 These values are cumulative (since interface was up)
 Could put a load on interface to see current condition, with ping –
l, to send large number of packets to destination
 See the difference in values

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

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35 What is Packet Capture?

 Real time collection of data as it travels over networks

 Tools called:
 packet sniffers
 packet analysers
 protocol analysers, and sometimes even
 traffic monitors

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36 When Packet Capture?

 Most powerful technique

 When need to see what client and server are actually saying to
each other
 When need to analyse type of traffic on network
 Requires understanding of network protocols to use effectively

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37 Warning: Don’t Get Sacked!
 Be sure that your boss agrees with you capturing packets on
your company’s network
 People have been sacked for doing this without permission!
 Do not invade the privacy of others
 Capturing passwords with insecure protocols such as telnet, ftp,
http (that is not encrypted with TLS) is very easy

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

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38 tcpdump

 Available everywhere
 Windows:
 Syntax also used by other programs (such as Ethereal)
 Often it is the only tool available, so good to know
 Works by putting network interface into promiscuous mode

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39 tcpdump: some options
 -c n — capture a count of n packets then stop
 -w file — write raw data to file.
 Very useful — can filter and analyse this later with tcpdump, ethereal or other
 but you cannot see what you are capturing till later!
 -i interface — collect from interface instead of lowest numbered
network interface
 -s bytes — collect no more than bytes of data from each packet
instead of default 68 bytes
 -e — show link level info, e.g., Ethernet addresses
 -x — gives a hexadecimal dump of packets
 excluding link level data
 -X — display Ascii as well as hexadecimal if have –x option too
 Many more options: man tcpdump

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

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40 tcpdump Filters: host and port

 Show all network traffic to and from

tcpdump host
 Show packets to
tcpdump dst
 Show packets to port 68 on

tcpdump dst and port


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41 tcpdump filters: networks

 Capture traffic to or from 205.153.60/24:

tcpdump net 172.19.64/18
 can specify network as source or destination:
tcpdump src net 205.153.60/24
tcpdump dst net 172.19.64/18

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42 tcpdump filters: protocol

 tcpdump ip
 tcpdump tcp
 tcpdump ip proto ospf
 This will catch DNS name lookups, but not zone transfers (which
use tcp):
 tcpdump udp port 53

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43 tcpdump filters: combining

 This will not work as you might expect:

 tcpdump host ictlab and udp or
 Instead, need group with parentheses, and
 tcpdump “host ictlab and (udp or
 many more ways of filtering: man
Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2
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44 Writing data to a file

sudo tcpdump -c 1000 -w

tcpdump: listening on eth0
1014 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

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46 Ethereal

 Ethereal can read data captured by tcpdump, e.g.,

$ ethereal –r tcpdump.pcap
 or File -> Open
 Can capture data itself
 Uses same filter language as tcpdump

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50 Switched Networks

 Problem: a switched network is really a point-to-point

 You cannot normally capture the unicast traffic from
other hosts on a single switch port
 Solution: many switches support port monitoring,
where one port can monitor all traffic on a specified
 Example: Cisco 3500XL switches provide the port
monitor command:
 port monitor vlan VLAN1

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51 How monitor one machine?
 You are asked to check out a server on a switched network: what to do?
 Use a small hub, and use a notebook running the capture software



Device under test notebook

e.g., a server running capture software

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

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53 DNS troubleshooting

 Suspect DNS when get long timeouts before see any response
 ping name, IP address, see if only IP address works
 tools on Linux, Unix:
 dig, nslookup, host
 dig output is in form of DNS resource records
 can copy and paste straight into DNS database files
 tools on Windows:
 nslookup

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dig: Checking forward DNS lookup
$ dig

; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>>

;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 23568
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 3

; IN A


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55 dig: checking forward DNS


;; Query time: 254 msec

;; WHEN: Mon Feb 24 10:55:26 2003
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 154

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56 dig: reverse lookup
$ dig -x

; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> -x

;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 22117
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0



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57 dig: reverse lookup


;; Query time: 310 msec

;; WHEN: Mon Feb 24 11:07:04 2003
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 111

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58 dig syntax
dig [options] [@server] name type
 main option is –x
 server is the name server to query
 by default, use first server in /etc/resolv.conf
 name is what you want to look up
 type can be: any, a, mx, axfr, soa, etc.
 default is to get A record(s)

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59 dig: axfr (Zone Transfer)

 dig can request a complete zone transfer:

dig @ictlab axfr
 result can be copied and pasted as a master file in a DNS server

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60 nslookup: reverse lookups

Non-authoritative answer: name =

Authoritative answers can be found from: nameserver = nameserver = internet address = internet address =

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61 Email: testing with telnet

 Email protocols SMTP, POP3 are text

 telnet a good tool to test them
 syntax:
telnet server portnumber
 SMTP: port 25
 POP3: port 110

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62 Test the VTC mail server:
$ telnet 25
Connected to (
220 ESMTP Mirapoint 3.2.2-GA; Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:15:30
250 Hello [], pleased to meet you
mail from:<>
250 <>... Sender ok
rcpt to:<>
250 <>... Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
My message body.
.250 AFF21826 Message accepted for delivery
221 closing connection
Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2
Connection closed by foreign host. 8, 2022
63 SMTP commands for sending mail

 helo — identify your computer

 mail from — specify sender
 rcpt to — specify receiver
 data — indicates start of message body
 quit — terminate session
 Use names, not IP addresses, to specify destination

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telnet: Testing Other Applications
 Many network protocols are text. telnet can be helpful in checking:
 IMAP servers:
 telnet hostname 143
 Web servers:
 telnet hostname 80
 Ftp servers:
 telnet hostname 21
 Even ssh (can check version, if responding):
 telnet hostname 22

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September 28
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65 nslookup: an interactive program

$ nslookup
Note: nslookup is deprecated and may be removed
from future releases. Consider using the `dig'
or `host' programs instead. Run nslookup with
the `-sil[ent]' option to prevent this message
from appearing.

Non-authoritative answer:

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67 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

a)Cannot Connect: Check the LAN/Wireless LAN status

For Wireless make sure the wireless card is turned ON, (when ON grey
and red when OFF)

Check if you can see the wireless network SSID (e.g. INTECU) and click
on the SSID to connect.

Yellow with mark on LAN icon – no IP address received from DHCP

server or IP received but cannot get to the Internet (user not).

Red X on the LAN icon – no connection to the switch or the PC/Laptop

LAN port or wireless connection not activated check the cable or wireless

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68 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d
 IP Assigned on LAN but not browsing – Reset the LAN connection.
 No IP assigned – check the LAN connection to the switch and cable.
 No IP assigned – ping the gateway continuously i.e. ping –t 10.xx.0.1 or
 Ping reply is “destination unreachable” - no connection to the switch, reset the
 Ping reply is “request timed out” – connected but no IP, reset the LAN
 Ping replies and timed out frequently – check the ulink cable and restart the
backbone switch.
 Ping replies and time out alternatively – loop on the network traffic going through
two cables at the same time/the cable not well seated on the switch/PC/Laptop
port. Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2
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69 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d
b) Can connect but not browsing
Check your browser settings from Tools Menu Connections Tab
/Internet Settings as appropriate.
Check browser Connection setting/Advanced/Network settings
Make sure it is set to Automatic/No Proxy depending on the browser
Select “Never dial a connection”
Click on “Advance” tab.
Check Automatically Detect Settings and restart the browser again.
Clear cache and delete all offline data then close the browser and restart it again.
NB: The above steps is for Internet Explorer/Chrome
For Mozilla Firefox – Menu Options  Advanced  Network
 Settings  No proxy
Then Click
Advanced onTroubleshooting
Network OK. September 2
8, 2022
70 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

Backbone Switch/User Switch

a)No IP receive – ping the DNS continuously (ping –t
remove and insert back the uplink cable, check the ping again.
Ping replies and timed out frequently – broadcast loop,
restart the FMC and check that all cables plugged to the switch
were firmly seated on the port.
Ping replies and timed out frequently – broadcast loop, remove all cables
on the switch and plug them back one by one.

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71 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

 Ping reply is “destination unreachable” – reset the switch to confirm

check your PC for Static IP
 Identify the uplink cable and plug it directly to your laptop/PC to
confirm DHCP IP.
 Ping fails – check the uplink cable, replace with a spare and reset the
 If uplink cable works on your laptop
 Then remove all the cable except the uplink to the switch,
ping gateway continuously - See Subnet Traffic Flooding

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72 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

Fiber Media Converter

a) Connection from the FMC directly to Ethernet port on your Laptop/PC
not receiving IP.
Note: Are all indicators on the FMC up and blinking (6, 4 or 2 LEDS) Or
the port number indicator on SFP port?
Check the fibre patch cord (yellow/orange) if not eaten by rat.
If NO call 07051091412 or 07051091415
If YES do the following

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73 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

Ping the DNS

Ping reply is “destination unreachable” – FMC not giving IP, restart FMC.
Plug the cable from the FMC directly to your laptop/PC to confirm DHCP IP.
Ping fails – check the uplink cable, re-terminate or replace with a spare.
Ping fails call NOC to check the cable connections to the switch with
appropriate label between Fiber Media Converter,
Access Switch 1 or Access Switch 2 and confirm if working
If not working, call the numbers above for more troubleshooting

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74 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d
 “Request timed out” or “Destination host unreachable” from ping reply
 On backbone switch connect cable from a laptop to a free working port
 Remove all cables connected to the switch except to your laptop and the Fibre
Media Converter (FMC)
 Ping gateway i.e. “ping –t 10.xx.0.1” like “”
 Plug in one cable and observe the ping for a minute, if the ping starts timing out
 Downlink of the cable is the source of the problem,
 But if reply from the ping continues insert other cable and repeat the step for each
cable on the switch.
 Move to the downlink switch of the particular cable from the backbone and repeat
the step above until the source of the problem is identified.
NB: Power cycling a switch stops the broadcast flood temporarily. It would return if
caused by cable connection, until the source is eliminated.
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75 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

 If the PC can receive IP address but cannot go to the login page

 Check your antivirus (Kaspersky, Avira, Eset, Avast, etc)

 If expired, turn it off

 PC will browse again

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76 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

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8, 2022
77 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

8, 2022
78 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

8, 2022
79 Advanced Troubleshooting – OAUNET cont’d

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

8, 2022
80 Conclusion
 Check the simple things first
 Document what you do
 Become familiar with common tools
 Use the tools to become familiar with your network
before troubles strike
 Know what is “normal”
 Update your antivirus when necessary
 Get permission from your “boss” before using
packet sniffing and port scanners

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

8, 2022


Network Troubleshooting Tools, Joseph D. Sloan, O'Reilly, August 2001

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

8, 2022

Advanced Network Troubleshooting September 2

8, 2022

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