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”Spiru Haret” National Collage of Computer Science

The Mistery

Ancient Egypt
Teacher, Student,
Rotaru Daniela Saltan Valentina-Mădălina

 Ancient Egypt, one of the most fascinating civilizations on earth but
what was it like to be an ancient Egyptian living in this incredible
place? It's ok trying to understand ancient Egypt on a visual level
pyramid King Tilt mummies but to really get into the heads of the
ancient Egyptians you've got to walk in their footsteps.
 I have chosen to talk about the Ancient Egypt for a simple reason: I
want to show to everybody that there are a lot of things we do not
know, things that can outrun our imagination.
 The pyramids, the enigmatic Sphinx, Karnak and Luxor, temples,
mummies, graves, which reappears from the desert from the
proverbial sands of the time. All of them reveal one of the most
amazing and fascinating civilization people have ever lived through.
Egypt of the Pharaohs, a civilization that was born and developed
3000 years before the birth of Christ.

 There are very few places on the
face of this planet which
fascinate us because of their
sheer presence or existence. One
such incredible enigma seen on
the world map is the country of
Egypt and even more incredible
is the history of its civilization.
Egypt is a large country located
in the eastern part of the Sahara
Desert in North Africa.

 The period known as the Old kingdom began with Dynasty 3.
The most magnificent contribution of this period are the roll
stone tombs which are known to us as pyramids.
 The ancient Egyptians believed that when they died, they
journeyed to the world of the dead and enjoyed an afterlife, that
is the spirit of the person lived on even after death, if the dead
body was prevented from decay. Hence they developed ways to
artificially preserve or embalm the dead body. During
embalming, the internal organs like the stomach, liver, lungs,
intestines were removed while the heart was left in its place. The
other body parts were stored in special urns called canopic jars.


 The written records, arts and artefacts preserved in the pyramids and
other tombs tell us a great deal about the life and times of the ancient
Egyptians. The Egyptians were energetic, resourceful, lovers of music
and nature, and fond of the good life. They assessed for life showed itself
in Tomb scenes depicting happy events such as harvest, hunting and
feasting. Success in the form of wealth and status, which they expected to
carry into the next life, was their highest goal. This obsession with
afterlife which inspired them to produce the most brilliant and
spectacular works of art also led to the eventual downfall let us now
learn something about the lifestyle of the people in ancient Egypt.

 Sailing on the Nile was also a popular family activity. The ancient
Egyptians enjoyed music and singing. They used string instruments
like the harp and lute to accompany their singing. A variety of fruits,
vegetables, meat and dairy products formed a part of their diet.
 Clothes were generally made of white Linen. Men wore robes while
women wore tight dresses with shoulder straps. The wealthy wore
leather sandals whereas the poor remained barefoot. Egyptian noble
women wore a plated robe over a straight shift of fine linen. Both,
men and women, used cosmetics and perfume in excess.

 The architects and engineers of
Ancient Egypt showed the
ingenuity in the building of the
massive pyramids and temples. The
Egyptians were the first to use
stone in architecture. While the
artists covered the tomb walls with
superb paintings, the sculptures
carved large stone statues of kings
and Gods, called Sphinxes.

 Religion had a very important place in Egyptian culture. Like the early
people, the Egyptians saw their Gods in nature and worship deities
representing the wind, water, sky, trees, and animals. As towns and
cities were formed, people began to worship their own local Gods in
addition to the major deities. Many of the Gods and Goddesses was
shown with animal heads. These represented a particular quality and
made the deities easier to recognize.

Most people just know the Egyptian pyramids are big,
impressive structures built very long time ago in the Ancient
Egypt. It is also generally known that the pyramids served as
monumental burial sites where the Pharaohs, the Ancient
Egyptian kings, were buried. But in fact, there is a lot more
interesting things and little known curiosities about these
fascinating structures.
One of the great themes in human history is we accumulate
power that's almost Godlike and one of the first things we set
out to do when we're able to pull together a massive workforce
is to literally change the landscape, literally build mountains. A
pyramid is a simple thing on its face.
The pyramid as we see it, has
steps in it many hundreds if
not thousands of steps as it
goes all the way to the top.
The fine white casing reflects
the light and was meant to
actually encapsulate sunlight
and turn the King into the
Sun God Himself. Slaves
didn't built the pyramids,
their own people built the

The logistical ability to do this is amazing. We have to think about

cutting stone and how much we're going to need in this case over two
million blocks of stone and they're not all shaped the same size in order
to build the pyramids successfully. We had to have a firm foundation in
understanding mathematics. When we look at how almost perfectly
square the base is, the angles are almost absolutely 90 degrees.

 The pyramid is a testament to the ability of people to channel

great and vast resources for one particular reason. When our
species is able to construct something like the pyramids, to look
at that, I think gives us a sense of the potential for our future that
it is in our capacity to become like the Gods.

 In conclusion, the Ancient Egyptian civilization was one
of the oldest cultures that existed. From the many
archeological finds, and from the great monument left
behind by ancient Egyptians, we have learnt many facts
including their food, gods, their rulers, tradition,
ceremonial ways, writing system, sports and their
general way of life. All evidences, point out to the rich
culture the once flourished in ancient Egypt.
 Thus, taking the above-mentioned information into
consideration, it is possible to draw a conclusion that
Egypt is not only considered to be one of the oldest
civilizations, but also one of the most durable ones.

Thank you for your


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