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Farm animal

review:vocab and text

For grade 3A and 3B
Material contents (konten materi)
1.Mengingat vocabulary about farm animal (Kosakata nama
hewan ternak)
And their homes
2.Review about descriptive text
3.Exercise (latihan latihan)
Do you remember this?
Do you remember this?
Do you remember this?
Descriptive text
What is the meaning of descriptive text?
Descriptive text is a text that tell about how to describe something.
Descriptive can use for describing anything like animal ,fruit,things
and so on

Recognize descriptive text :

1. Using “this” in first sentence
2. Describe from animal name,and their parts body
Contoh yang mudah
1. Ini adalah hewan yang memiliki 2 kaki, berwarna putih , punya telur dan tinggal
di kandang ayam.
(this animal has 2 feet, has yellow colour, has an egg, and live in a coop)
Lets doing the exercise
Conclusions (kesimpulan)
1. We learn and remembered about the vocabulary
2. We learn about descriptive text and how to describe them in one or two
Do you have any questions?

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by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik
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