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 Charles law is an experimental gas law. It explains how gases

tend to expand when heated. French physicist Charles studied

the effect of temperature on the quantity of a gas at constant

 This law describes how a gas expands because of the

temperature increases; conversely, a decrease in temperature

will cause a decrease in volume.
 Definition of Charles Law Formula is, “When the pressure on
a sample of a dry gas is held constant, the Kelvin
temperature and therefore the volume is going to be in direct
 The equation of the law is PV = k.
• k may be a constant.
• P= Pressure
• V= Volume
Therefore, V=kT . For comparing an equivalent substance under
two different sets of conditions,
the law is often written as
V1 = First Volume

V2= Second Volume

T1= First Temperature

T2 = Second Temperature

The equation shows that, as temperature increases, the quantity

of the gas also increases in proportion.
 Charles’s law appears to imply that the quantity of gas will descend

to zero at a particular temperature (−266.66 °C consistent with Gay-

Lussac’s figures) or −273.15 °C. At temperature, the gas is having
zero energy and hence the molecules restrict motion.

 Charles from his experiments concluded that at constant pressure,

the quantity of a hard and fast amount of a gas increases or

decreases by 1⁄273 (now 1⁄273.15) times the quantity at 0 °C for
each 1 °C rise or fall in temperature.
We can verify Charles’ law experimentally and
determine the value of temperature with regard to
the above figure. the first apparatus of the
experiment consists of a conical flask and a
beaker. The empty flask is submerged into the
water-filled beaker as shown within the above
diagram. When the warmth is supply to the beaker
by a burner, it also heats the air within the flask.
As a consequence, the air inside the flask expands. this is often

our condition 1. The flask is later dipped during a cistern at

temperature. Now, the air within the flask contracts since the
temperature is decreased. this is often condition 2. By knowing the
temperature and volume of both conditions, we will verify the law.
Limitations of Charles law
Charles’s law is applicable to only ideal gases. Charles law holds

good for real gases only at high temperatures and low pressures. the
connection between the quantity and temperature isn’t linear in
nature at high pressures.
A gas in a container has an unknown initial volume
with an initial temperature of 273 K. the final volume
is found to be 3.5 L at a temperature of 325 K. What is
the initial volume?
Given: V1= ? V2= 6L T1= 150K T2= 100k
V₁ / T ₁ = V₂ / T ₂
(V1) (150K) = (6L) (100K) then cross multiply
(150) (6) = (100) (V1)
900/100 = (100) (V1)/ 100
V1= 9
A gas in a container has an initial volume of 5 L and an initial
temperature of 10°C. the final temperature increases to 45°C. what is
the final volume?
Given: V1= 5L V2= ? T1= 283K T2= 318k
Covert Celsius into kelvin
10°C + 273 = 283K
45°C + 273 = 318K
V₁ / T₁ = V₂ / T₂
(5L) (283K) = (V2) (318K) then cross multiply
(5) (318) = (283) (V2)
1590/283 = (283) (V2)/ 283
V2= 5.6 L - the final volume is 5.6 L
A gas in a container has a initial volume of 7 L and an
unknown temperature. The final temperature is found
to be 250 K with a final volume of 12 L. what is the
initial temperature?
Given: V1= 7 L V2= 12 L T1= ? T2= 250k
V₁ / T ₁ = V ₂ / T ₂
(7L) (T1) = (12L) (250K) then cross multiply
(7L) (250) = (12) (T1)
1750/12 = (12) (T1)/ 12
T1= 145K
A gas in a container has an initial volume of 2 L and an initial
temperature of 25°C. the final volume decreases to 0.25 L. what is
the final temperature?
Given: V1= 2 L V2= .25L T1= 298K T2=?
Convert first Celsius to kelvin
25°C + 273 = 298 K
V₁ / T ₁ = V ₂ / T ₂
(2L) (298K) = (.25L) (T2) then cross multiply
(298) (.25) = (2) (T2)
74.5/2 = (2) (T2)/ 2
T2= 37. 25K then subtract to 273 so,
 Gay-Lussac’s law is a gas law which states that the

pressure exerted by a gas (of a given mass and kept at a

constant volume) varies directly with the absolute

temperature of the gas. In other words, the pressure

exerted by a gas is proportional to the temperature of the

gas when the mass is fixed and the volume is constant.

 This law was formulated by the French chemist Joseph

Gay-Lussac in the year 1808. The mathematical

 P ∝ T ; P/T = k

 Where:

• P is the pressure exerted by the gas

• T is the absolute temperature of the gas

• k is a constant.

 The relationship between the pressure and absolute temperature of a

given mass of gas (at constant volume) can be illustrated graphically

as follows.
From the graph, it can be understood that
the pressure of a gas (kept at constant
volume) reduces constantly as it is cooled
until the gas eventually
undergoes condensation and becomes a
 Gay-Lussac’s law implies that the ratio of the initial pressure and
temperature is equal to the ratio of the final pressure and temperature
for a gas of a fixed mass kept at a constant volume. This formula can
be expressed as follows:
 (P1/T1) = (P2/T2)
 Where:
• P1 is the initial pressure
• T1 is the initial temperature
• P2 is the final pressure
• T2 is the final temperature
This expression can be derived from the pressure-
temperature proportionality for gas. Since P ∝ T for
gases of fixed mass kept at constant volume:
P1/T1 = k (initial pressure/ initial temperature =
P2/T2 = k (final pressure/ final temperature =
Therefore, P1/T1 = P2/T2 = k
Or, P1T2 = P2T1
 When a pressurized aerosol can (such as a deodorant can or a spray-paint can) is

heated, the resulting increase in the pressure exerted by the gases on the container
(owing to Gay-Lussac’s law) can result in an explosion. This is the reason why many
pressurized containers have warning labels stating that the container must be kept
away from fire and stored in a cool environment.
 An illustration describing the increase in pressure which accompanies an increase in

the absolute temperature of a gas kept at a constant volume is provided above.

Another example of Gay-Lussac’s law can be observed in pressure cookers. When the
cooker is heated, the pressure exerted by the steam inside the container increases.
The high temperature and pressure inside the container cause the food to cook faster.
The pressure of a gas in a cylinder when it is heated to a temperature of 250K is 1.5
atm. What was the initial temperature of the gas if its initial pressure was 1 atm.

 Given,

 Initial pressure, P1 = 1 atm

 Final pressure, P2 = 1.5 atm

 Final temperature, T2 = 250 K

 As per Gay-Lussac’s Law, P1T2 = P2T1

 Therefore, T1 = (P1T2)/P2 = (1*250)/(1.5) = 166.66 Kelvin.

At a temperature of 300 K, the pressure of the gas in a deodorant can
is 3 atm. Calculate the pressure of the gas when it is heated to 900 K.

 Initial pressure, P1 = 3 atm

 Initial temperature, T1 = 300K

 Final temperature, T2 = 900 K

 Therefore, final pressure (P2) = (P1T2)/T1 = (3 atm*900K)/300K = 9

The combined gas law combines the three gas laws: Boyle's
Law, Charles' Law, and Gay-Lussac's Law. It states that the ratio of the
product of pressure and volume and the absolute temperature of a gas
is equal to a constant. When Avogadro's law is added to the combined
gas law, the ideal gas law results. Unlike the named gas laws, the
combined gas law doesn't have an official discoverer. It is simply a
combination of the other gas laws that works when everything except

temperature, pressure, and volume are held constant.

 There are a couple of common equations for
writing the combined gas law.
 The classic law relates Boyle's law and Charles' law
to state:
 PV/T = k
 where P = pressure, V = volume, T = absolute
temperature (Kelvin), and k = constant.
 The constant k is a true constant if the number of
moles of the gas doesn't change. Otherwise, it varies .
 Another common formula for
the combined gas law relates
"before and after" conditions of
a gas:
P1V1 / T1 = P2V2 / T2
 Find the volume of a gas at STP when 2.00 liters is collected at

745.0 mm Hg and 25.0 degrees Celsius.

 To solve the problem, you first need to identify which formula to

use. In this case, the question asks about conditions at STP, so you
know you're dealing with a "before and after" problem. Next, you
need to understand STP. If you haven't memorized this already (and
you probably should, since it appears a lot), STP refers to "standard
 Because the law works using absolute temperature, you need

to convert 25.0 degrees Celsius to the Kelvin scale. This gives

you 298 Kelvin.

 At this point, you can plug the values into the formula and

solve for the unknown. A common mistake some people make

when they're new to this kind of problem is confusing which
numbers go together. It's good practice to identify the
variables. In this problem they are:
V1 = 2.00 L
T1 = 298 K
P2 = 760.0 mm Hg
V2 = x (the unknown you're solving for)
T2 = 273 K
Next, take the formula and set it up to solve for the unknown "x," which in this
problem is V2:
P1V1 / T1 = P2V2 / T2
Cross-multiply to clear the fractions:
P1V1T2 = P2V2T1
Divide to isolate V2:
V2 = (P1V1T2) / (P2T1)
Plug in the numbers and solve for V2:
V2 = (745.0 mm Hg · 2.00 L · 273 K) / (760 mm Hg · 298 K)
V2 = 1.796 L
Report the result using the correct number of significant figures:
The combined gas law has practical applications when dealing with
gases at ordinary temperatures and pressures. Like other gas laws
based on ideal behavior, it becomes less accurate at high
temperatures and pressures. The law is used in thermodynamics
and fluid mechanics. For example, it can be used to calculate
pressure, volume, or temperature for the gas in clouds to forecast
V2 =6 L
T1= 150 K
T2= 100 K
Using Charles Law,

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