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Fire and War Hazards

● A chemical reaction among heat, fuel and oxygen

with considering of flash point.

What does Fire Hazards mean?
Fire hazards are workplace hazards that involve the presence of flame
or the risk of an uncontrolled fire.

Fire hazards include:

Live flames

Hot objects
Flammable chemicals
Chemicals that can aggravate a fire

Another category of fire hazards are situations and events

that impede fire protection and prevention methods. This
can include impediments to firefighting, compromised built-
in fire safety systems, and situations that restrict the escape
of people from an affected building or area in the event of a
Types of Fire
Fire Hazard

Combustible Materials
A combustible material is something that can combust (burn) in air. Flammable materials are
combustible materials that ignite easily at ambient temperatures. In other words, a combustible
material ignites with some effort and a flammable material catches fire immediately on exposure
to flame.

Combustible Dust
Combustible dust is a finely divided combustible particulate that presents fire hazard or explosion
hazard. These materials are found in a variety of industries including lumber, chemical and agriculture.
Combustible dust can be generated from larger pieces of materials that are not considered a fire risk.

Electrical Hazards
An electrical hazard occurs when it is possible to come into contact with electricity.
This can happen directly through energised parts of electrical equipment or through
indirect pathways such as conductive materials.
Flammable Liquids and Chemicals
Flammable liquids and chemicals such as gasoline, oil, kerosene, cleaning solvents
and paint can become a fire hazard if not stored correctly in a ventilated space. Fire
hazards result due to flash point and auto ignition temperature.

Hot Work, Equipment, and Machinery

Hot work is any industrial activity that creates an ignition source such as a spark, flame
or intense heat. Common types of hot work include welding, metal grinding and cutting
metal with a torch.
Sign and
Occurence of
Signs of a Fire
● Smoke

● Smell
Fire Hazard

● Hot door and Door Handles

● Loud Noises

● Alarm and Detectors

Occurrence of Hazard
- Hazard occurrence can result in risk occurrence very quickly, such

as a matter of minutes. It can also result in risk occurrence over the

Fire Hazard

course of a long time. It simply depends on the situation.

- One of the examples of fire hazard occurrence that occur in the

philippines is the ozone disco in 1996 Out of the 350 clubbers and

40 employees in Ozone Disco that night, 162 people were killed in

the fire and over 90 people sustained injuries.

There are many other contributing factors that bridge the gap
Fire hazard

between hazards and risk occurrence, such as

• Whether or not a risk control exists.

•Human awareness and identification of the hazard occurrence.

•Human responsiveness to identified hazards.

Adverse effects of
Fire Hazard
Affects the destroy
Health of People plantation
of farmers
Fire Hazard

and tourism
● Fire can become hazardous to surrounding
infrastructure and environment:

-Combustion and damage of timber structure

and flammable material in a building like a
furniture, roof, paper, clothes, etc.
Sensitive species
and habitat
Fire Hazard

Replacement of
lost facilities and
● A state of armed conflict between different nations
or states or different groups within a nation or state.
What does War Hazards mean?

- The term "war-risk hazard" means any hazard

arising during a war
War Hazard

- For example, companies operating in politically

unstable parts of the world have exposure to an
elevated risk of loss from acts of war.
Types of
Proxy War Range War
- A conflict or war between 2 - A violent conflict, most
nations that each represent the commonly in the 19th century in
interests of larger powers. the American West.
War Hazard
Religious War Undeclared War
- is a war primarily caused by - is a military conflict between 2
differences in religion. more than nations without either
side issuing a formal declaration
of war.
War Hazard
Total War
- when a country uses all of its resources to fight the war and
ensure the victory against their enemy.
War Hazard
World War
- it is the war were engaged by all or most of the principal nations
of the world.
War Hazard
● A Cold War is a state of conflict between nations that does not
involve direct military action but is pursued primarily through
economic and political actions, propaganda, acts of espionage or
proxy wars waged by surrogates.
War Hazard
● Colonial war is a blanket term relating to the various conflicts that arose
as the result of overseas territories being settled by foreign powers
creating a colony. 
War Hazard
An insurgency is a violent, armed rebellion against authority (for example, an
authority recognized as such by the United Nations) when those taking part in
the rebellion are not recognized as belligerents (lawful combatants).
● A war of independence or independence war is a conflict occurring
over a territory that has declared independence from some nation-state or
War Hazard

ruling colonial power. 

. of national liberation or national liberation
revolutions are conflicts fought by nations to gain
independence. The term is used in conjunction with wars
against foreign powers (or at least those perceived as foreign)
to establish separate sovereign states for the rebelling
War Hazard

A civil war, also known as an intrastate war in 
polemology, is a war between organized groups
within the same state or country. 
War Hazard
Fratricide (from the Latin words frater "brother" and cida "killer,"
or cidum "a killing," both from caedere "to kill, to cut down") is the
act of killing one's brother.
War Hazard
A territorial dispute or boundary dispute is a
disagreement over the possession or control of land
between two or more territorial entities.
War Hazard
An invasion is a military offensive
in which large numbers of 
combatants of one geolopolitical
entity aggressively enter territory
owned by another such entity,
War Hazard

generally with the objective of

either conquering; liberating or re-
establishing control or authority
over a territory; forcing the
partition of a country; altering the
established government or gaining
concessions from said government;
or a combination thereof.
Signs and
of War
Signs of War
- These are the common causes or
triggers that could lead to war

● Territorial Dispute and Economic

War Hazard

Gain - The increase in land and

the subsequent resources on that
land directly correlates to a state’s
power. In modern times, the
resources that are hoped to be
gained from war take the form of
things like oil, minerals, or
materials used in manufacturing.
(Example: South China Sea
● Civil War and Revolution - The conflict between two opposed
parties within the same state or country. (Example: Hong Kong
protests, Thai protests, United States racial unrest)
War Hazard
● Terrorism - use or threat of violence to create fear, not just
within the direct victims but among a wide audience, in pursuit
of political or social objectives. (September 11 attack)
War Hazard
● Religion - Religious conflicts often have very deep roots. They can lie
dormant for decades, only to re-emerge in a flash at a later date.
Religious wars can often be tied to other reasons for conflict, such as
nationalism or revenge for a perceived historical slight in the past.

Examples of wars fought for religion :

War Hazard

- Thirty Years’s War (1618-1648)

War Hazard - Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990)
Occurrence of War
- How war situations become
disastrous or hazardous
War Hazard

● Riots - when a protest or an act of

civil disobedience escalates into
violence (between two crowds),
either accidentally or on purpose.
The violence can be targeted toward
a hostile group of people or toward
damaging the physical environment.
(Example: “Black Lives Matter” riots,
reported police brutality occurred)
● Warfare - the process of armed conflict between two
enemies or groups of nations. (Battle of Marawi 2017)
War Hazard
● Kidnapping/Hostage – The position of a hostage was that
of a prisoner of war, to be retained till the negotiations or
treaty obligations were carried out, and liable to
punishment and even to death, in case of refusal to fulfill
the promises made.
War Hazard

Example of this is when the Abu Sayyaf has engaged in

kidnapping hostages to be exchanged for ransom for many years,
this means of funding grew dramatically beginning in 2014,
providing funds for the group's rapid growth.

Journalists abducted since 2000

ABS-CBN's Newsbreak reported that Abu Sayyaf abducted at least 20 journalists
from 2000 to 2008 (mostly foreign journalists). All of them were eventually
released upon payment of ransom.
War Hazard
Effect of
● Death and
War Hazard

- Includes damages to
critical facilities, disruption
of transportation, and
global environmental
• Injury and Disability
- People suffer a range
War Hazard

of war injuries and a lot

of people are disabled.
Certain weapons affect
them particularly.
● Illness
- Children are particularly
vulnerable to the deadly
combination of
malnutrition and
War Hazard

infectious illness.
-Increased risk of
coronary heart disease,
stroke, diabetes,
increased blood pressure
and cholesterol, as well
as increased alcohol and
tobacco use.
• Long-term physical
War Hazard

and psychological
harm to children and
- People are exposed to
situations of terror and
• Direct Economic
War Hazard

- The impact of war is

always negative for the
economy, and physical
destruction is a large
reason why.
• The experience of
indifference from the
War Hazard

surrounding world, or,

worse still, malevolence
may cause children to
suffer loss of meaning in
their construction of
themselves in their
War Hazard

• Children may lose their

community and its
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