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"The Monkey's Paw"

By W. W. Jacobs
1. What details in the opening paragraphs put the reader in the mood for a story of
mystery and suspense? Write out 2 actual words or phrases used for this. (2)

2. For what reason does the Indian fakir, or holy man, put a spell on the paw? (1)

3. What is Mr. White's first wish? Describe Herbert's behaviour throughout this scene.
How much interest does he show in the paw and the 3 wishes? (3)

4. Under what tragic circumstances does the first wish come true? Explain the irony
(twist of fate) of this situation. (2)

5. In what way does Mrs. White want to use another wish? Why does Mr. White object?

6. How does Jacobs, the author, make the final element of suspense almost unbearable
in its intensity? What is the third and final wish? (2)

7. On several occasions the author heightens the mood, or atmosphere, of the story by
adding descriptive details about the interior of the house or the weather outside. Find 2
examples each for the house and the weather; write out the sentence/s; do not use the
same examples from #1. (2)
Your Turn!
Use one of the story starters below to create your own scary story paragraph:

1. I developed an eerie feeling when I heard....

2. As I carefully entered the haunted house, the door shut behind me and....

3. My best friend dared me to knock on the door of the haunted house. I knocked twice and the door
creaked open slowly. A hand reached out and....

4. It was a dark, spooky Halloween night when the strangest thing happened to me.

5. When a black cat crossed my path, I knew I was going to have bad luck.

6. We were driving home when we saw a mysterious shape hovering over our car. It stopped on the
road in front of us.

7. I heard the rocking chair in my living room creaking back and forth. I crept down the stairs and saw
someone sitting in it. The figure turned around and....

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