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Conjunctions are used to join words that :-

a. To have the same meaning

e.g: We bought fruits, vegetables and
meat from the market

b. To have a choice.
e.g: Do you have a pen or a pencil ?

c. To show opposite meaning.

e.g: I have a book but no pen.

d. To show contrast.
e.g: She was tired. Therefore she went
to bed early.

e. To show the state of being the same.

e.g: John does not have any money,
neither does Chris.
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct conjuctions.

1. I think I missed the bus ____ I am not sure.

2. I don’t know what to buy, the glass ____ the jug.
3. She has a dog _______ a cat.
4. The oldman is deaf ______ dumb.
5. Would you like the green shirt _____ the
yellow shirt?
6. She will come either today ______ tomorrow?
7. He is sleepy ___ does not want to go to bed.
8. The farmer is poor ____ honest.
9. They are here ______ are waiting for you.
10.Can you open the door _____ should I do it?
11.The boy was hurt ______ he did not cry.
12.Khalil stays with his mother ____ three sisters.
13. You can go to Penang by bus ____ by plane.
14. Linda shouted for help ____ no one heard her.
15. The children were here earlier ____ they are not
here now.
B. Rewrite the sentences using the correct
conjunction ‘or’ , ‘and’ or ‘but’.

1. Hairul likes to play football.

Hairul likes to play football.

2. She is fat. She is short.


3. Do you like coffee? Do you like tea?


4. She can cook. She cannot sew.


5. Will you go by car? Will you go by bus?


6. Mariam is in Year 4. Aishah is in Year 4.


7. Vicky is tired. Vicky is still walking.


8. Is he your brother ? Is he your friend ?

B. Rewrite the sentences using the correct
conjunction ‘or’ , ‘and’ or ‘but’.

9. Aqilah went to the shop. Aqilah bought some


10. He studied hard for the test. He failed


11. Study hard. You will fail the examination.


12. Zaki can sing. Zaki cannot dance.


13. Robert has a shirt. Robert has a belt.


14. Do you like an ice-cream?

Do you like a lolly pop?

15. He plays tennis. He plays football

C. The conjunctions int the sentences below are used
wrongly. Replace them with the correct conjunctions.

1. Rita likes horses and she does not like the cows

2. Azlina or Gauri are friends.


3. Should we turn left and right ?


4. They are hungry and they did not eat anything?


5. She bought are red pencil or a green pen.


6. She can read and she cannot write.


7. They live near my house or I do not know them.


8. Both the boys were tired but hungry.

D. Circle the conjunctions in the following

Hamid and Mohan are very good friends.

They always go fishing or cycling together.
Hamid comes from a rich family but Mohan’s
family is poor. Though Mohan is poor, he would
always donate some money to charity. Hamid is
glad to have such a kind-hearted pal.
E. Underline the conjunctions in the following

1. The farmer is happy although he is not rich.

2. Siti has one brother and two sisters.
3. The weather is not cold though it often rains.
4. The beggar has no money or food.
5. The child is in the crowd but his mother cannot find
6. Larry has some new toys and clothes.
7. Mr.Li walks to his office although he has a car.
8. Henry can swim but he cannot dive.
9. Meet me at the library today or tomorrow.
10.The tortoise won the race though it moved slowly.
11.Kiki will go jungle-trekking if her father allows her
12.He took the stick and chased the dog away.
F. Join the sentences with the conjunctions given
so since yet unless before

1. Take off your shoes. You go into a mosque.


2. Do not wear woollen clothes. It snows.


3. The traveller missed the boat. He went by train.


4. He brushes his teeth every day. His teeth are


5. The child has been smiling.

His mother came back from the market.

6. Don’t take in the pillows. It rains.


7. The man injured his ankle. He walked slowly

8. The house wife washes the dirty clothes.
she hangs them uo to dry.

9. She added a lot of salt into the soup.

the soup is not tasty

10. Bob is pampered.

He is the youngest child in the family.

11. Don’t change the curtain. They are dirty.


12. A hyena is a fierce animal.

Nobody keeps it as pet.

13. The train had broken down. Everyone got out


14. The maid washed the dished.

The party ended.

15. You will be excused. You are not well.

G. Fill in the blanks

1. Salim is kind _____ helpful. (and , but)

2. She went to bed early _____ she was sleepy.
(since, so)
3.Would you like something to eat ____ drink?
(and, or)
4. They came to see us ____ we were not in.
(and, or)
5._________ the villagers are poor, they are generous.
(Because, Although)
6. The football match was cancelled ______ it was raining.
(because, if)
7. I will go the party ____ you come with me.
(if, and)
8. He was angry _______ he did not scold her.
(and , but)
9. The journeys was tiring ___ we enjoyed the trip.
(but, as)
H. Fill in each blanks with one of the following
conjuctions. Use each word ONCE only

or, when, but, after, while, and, as,

before, wherever, if, so, neither….nor

It was raining cats (1) ___________ dogs. Tim

was prevented from going to the library to borrow
some story books. (2) ____________ he cannot ride a
bicycle, he travels by bus
(3) _______ he goes. The bus stop is some distance
away. (4) _____________ he walked there in the heavy
downpour, he would get wet as he had (5) ______an
umbrella ______________ a raincoat, (6)
____________ he waited at home for the rain to stop.
(7) ____________ Tim was waiting,
he listened to the radio and read the newspapers.
(8) ______ reading for half an hour, the door
bell rang. The visitor was his pal, David, who
came to borrow some notes from him,
(9) _______ Tim had misplaced his. Helpful by
nature, he promised to get the notes from Luke
(10) ________ James (11) ________ their
examamination. (12) _____________the rain finally
Stopped, Tim set off for the library, accompained
by David.
J. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

or, but, and, neither, so, because, although

1. He enjoys drinking coffee _________ not tea.

2. My grandfather can _________ read or write?
3. You can either walk there _____ take a taxi.
4. He failed his examnination _____________ he did not
5. It was raining ____ we did not play football.
6. _________ the television was switched on, there was
nobody wacthing it.
7. Would you like a sandwich ____ a burger?
8. They felt sad____________ their pet
cat has died.
9. There was no electricitiy _____ we used the torchlight.
10. He is tall _______ his brother is short.
11. We went home ______ it was still early.
K. Join the sentences with the conjunctions given

1.Maximus is fat. Maixmus likes to eat. (because)


2. Clifford does not have any money.

Vincent does not have any money. (neither)

3. Fred likes peaches.

Fred does not likes bananas. (but)

4. Mr.Lim told jokes. Mr.Lim was sad. (although)


5. Sophia’s parents died when she was young.

Sophia’s is an orphan. (therefore)

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