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Homework ->

Assignment 3 (Group)
• Make a risk assessment from Job
one of the case studies given
(group 1=case 1,etc) Hazards
• Format: Powerpoint
(member’s name+slide case Risk Details
• Upload powerpoint slides Persons at Risk
individually max a day before
presentation to: e-learning Risk Control
Uniba (week 4-assignment 3) (Precautions)
• Present the risk assessment
next week (week 4)!
1. Antonio’s Story
Antonio, a 17-year-old, worked for a local
builder. He was carrying a 12-foot roof rafter
across the top of an unfinished house one day.
He fell 28 feet to a concrete cellar floor below
after backing into an unguarded chimney
hole. He survived, but the fall fractured three
of his backbones. His injury required him to
spend the next three months confined to a
"clamshell" brace that ran from his neck to his
hips. He shouldn't have been doing this
dangerous work in the first place because of
his age.
2. Lindsey’s Story
Teenager Lindsey worked at the pizza shop's counter
after school and on weekends. On a Friday night, she and
Brayden, a senior at her school, worked together alone
on a project. To make matters worse, Brayden bullied
Lindsey in front of customers. After Brayden had bullied
her for the night, Lindsey confronted him and told him to
stop bullying her! Their boss would be informed, he was
assured. He yelled at Lindsey, pushed her and yelled at
Lindsey. A nearby table knocked Lindsey's head.
Eventually, Lindsey was able to get up and leave. In an
instant, she dialed 911 from her mobile phone. Brayden
was taken into custody by the police. Lindsey had a
bump on her head and a lot of bruising on her body.
Despite the fact that she still weeps and feels sad, she
has trouble sleeping as a result of what happened.
3. Jack’s Story
In the evenings, after school, and
on weekends, Jack worked in a
fast-food restaurant's kitchen.
Jack had to work the fryer on a
Friday afternoon. Jack walked
across the floor carrying a basket
of french fries at one point. He
slipped and fell because he didn't
notice a slick spot on the tile. He
was badly hurt when he landed
on his tailbone. Jack is in
excruciating pain and has
difficulty walking and sitting.
4. Angela’s Story

Angela, 16, completed a large amount of

homework online and spent time each day e-
mailing and texting her friends. Additionally, she
worked three hours per day after school for a
direct mail company, typing data. Angela was
compensated for her work on a "piecework" basis.
This means she was compensated based on the
amount of work completed, rather than the
amount of time spent performing it. She was
constantly on the move. Her fingers began to
tingle, and she awoke with a burning sensation in
her wrist in the mornings. Angela was diagnosed
with a severe case of repetitive stress injury by her
physician (RSI). This occurs as a result of
repeatedly typing in an unnatural position.
Muscles, tendons, and nerves are harmed in the
motion. She is now required to wear wrist braces
and is limited to 15 minutes of computer work at a
time. Angela's high school provides a student to
take notes for her in class.
5. Jasmine’s Story
Jasmine, 17, works in a hospital
kitchen as a dishwasher. She soaks
cooking pans in a strong chemical
solution to clean them. Her hands and
arms are shielded by gloves. One day,
while Jasmine was simultaneously
lifting three large pans from the sink,
they slipped from her grasp and into
the sink. The cleaning solution
splashed across her cheek and into her
right eye. For two weeks, she lost
vision in that eye.
6. Chris’ Story
Chris is employed by a municipal public
works department. Outside one scorching
afternoon, the temperature reached 40
degrees Celsius. Chris began to feel dizzy
and disoriented while shoveling dirt in a
vacant lot. He passed out due to the heat.
7. Anita’s Story
Anita works as a barista in a small coffee shop at the
age of sixteen. The coffee shop was short-staffed one
morning after another employee called in sick. Anita
worked the register and took orders from customers
during the breakfast rush, while also rushing to make
a new pot of coffee. She was unaware that the other
barista had already begun brewing, and she removed
the brew basket while the machine was still brewing.
Boiling water and coffee grounds splattered her hand,
leaving her with second-degree burns. She sought
treatment at an emergency room. Anita was forced to
curtail her daily activities for three months and
continues to have sensitivity in her hand and scarring
from the burn.
8. Andre’s Story

Andre is a seventeen-year-old
supermarket employee. He
suffered a sharp pain in his lower
back one day while unloading a
large box from a truck onto a
wooden pallet. Andre made a
valiant attempt to continue his
work. His back continued to ache,
and he sought medical attention.
Andre was forced to take a week
off work to rest. At times, his back
still hurts.
9. Molly’s Story

Molly is a 16-year-old grocery store

employee. Her boss asked her to clean
the meat slicer, despite the fact that
she had never done so before and had
never been trained to do so. Molly
assumed the meat slicer had been
turned off before beginning to clean it.
The machine started up just as she
began to clean the blades. Molly's left
hand had a finger cut all the way to the
bone by the blade.
10. Maria’s Story

Maria's job on a farm is to pick

strawberries. She was sent into the
field too soon after it had been
sprayed one day. Nobody had
informed her that the moisture on
the plants was a highly toxic
pesticide. Maria's arms and legs
began to shake soon after she
began working. She became dizzy
and stumbled when she stood up.
She was taken to a nearby clinic by
other farm workers. Three weeks
later, she still has headaches,
cramps, and difficulty breathing.

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